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Debate Score:14
Total Votes:15
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Yilun(14) pic

Should the young be left to educate themselves?


Side Score: 6


Side Score: 8
2 points

Children have to be educated, but they have to be left to educate themselves as well. For the majority of children, most would say that they do not have the independence and self-discipline to carry out their own learning effectively. Thus, educators like parents and teachers come into play, giving them due guidance. However, by doing this, it tends to instil a sense of rigidity in their knowledge and education. They are unable to think out-of-the-box. We are breeding a society of children who all study the same syllabus and are probably unable to adapt to crises. by allowing children to educate themselves, they are given the opportunity to explore new possibilities and figure them out themselves, instead of being given a one-size-fits-all answer. "One-size-fits-all" does not happen in reality. Hence, they are able to better adapt to workplace conditions in the future, and definitely better assets to society at large.

Side: Yes
LowTzeHui(19) Disputed
1 point

Does it mean that because school curricula could be regimented, children and teenagers should not go to school? Is this logical? Would it work for every single student?

Side: No
1 point

Our basic human nature--including our playfulness, curiosity, and all of our other biological adaptations for learning--evolved in the context of that way of life. By allowing the young to freely explore their surroundings, they learn to adapt and survive in their environment. Many things cannot be thought, especially instincts such as survival skills and the ability to adapt to the environment.

Side: Yes
leeminjie(3) Disputed
1 point

The young may not be able to tell right from wrong when they are left to their own devices. This is why the young should not be left to educate themselves. The school provides lessons to educate the young both academically and holistically.

Side: No
1 point

This shows how even with public education, there is no significant academic improvement.

US students not showing good grades in schools
Side: Yes
LowTzeHui(19) Disputed
1 point

Does it mean that the young shouldn't be educated in schools at all? Is there a fallacy in this argument? Could the young be mature enough to take ownership of their own learning entirely?

Side: No
1 point

Children are very impressionable and learn from those around them, especially those who seem to care about them the most. When a child's parent or other significant adult in their lives acts a certain way or reacts to a situation in a certain way on a regular basis, children begin to believe that that is the appropriate way to behave and are likely to imitate that person when they are faced with the same situation.

Hence, it is important to expose children to character development programmes where they will learn which is the appropriate behavior.

Side: No
1 point

The young are vulnerable and susceptible to their surroundings. If they were to be abandoned and allowed to seek their own education, they would most likely go wayward due to the adverse dynamics of the world around them. As seen from the increase of crime rates worldwide in recent years, criminal masterminds are lurking all around and these young, defenseless and impressionable youths are easy targets to be duped into joining criminal syndicates. However, if appropriate guidance regarding character building is offered to the young, their level of discernment and awareness will improve, and the likelihood of them falling into traps set by crooks will be lower. Therefore, I believe the young should not be left to learn about the world by themselves, as this would probably mean that they would have to go through bad experiences to learn their lessons and by that time, it might be too late to improve on their quality of life.

Side: No
thasneem(5) Disputed
1 point

Even with the current education sytem in place for the young, there are still many potential traps for the young such as the internet and social media which is equivalent to being exposed to the dynamics of the world unguided.

Side: Yes
1 point

Formal education gives us knowledge of the world around us and enables us to gain greater insights and perspectives of issues happening. It teaches us how to behave as civilized people who know how to properly carry ourselves. On their own, youths will only develop characteristics based on their interaction with their limited direct environment they are exposed to. This causes them to be limited in their view of the world. This is where formal education plays a part in exposing students to beyond their society to the international stage and beyond.

Side: No

The young need adult supervision or else they won't learn properly.

Side: No
0 points

There would be a lack of discipline without adult guidance. Moerover, children are at an age where they are easily impresionable. So without proper guidance and education, not only on academics, but also on other social issues, they could be easily wrongly influenced.

Side: No