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RSS LowTzeHui

Reward Points:19
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10 most recent arguments.
2 points

Just to add on our Prime Minister has finally launched his very own Facebook account. Many ministries and government agencies also have Twitter and Facebook accounts to update their clients.

Supporting Evidence: Lee Hsien Loong's Facebook Page (
LowTzeHui(19) Clarified
1 point

I can understand if there is a digital divide. But if you have access to the internet in the first place, how is there perceived inequality between Facebook and MySpace users?

LowTzeHui(19) Clarified
1 point

Could you provide examples to share with us? How our athletes still value fair play.

LowTzeHui(19) Clarified
1 point

There is some merit to this argument. While individuals or countries might experience setbacks and it might be regressive, this could be temporary and more could be gained out of this. Look at WWII for example. Despite the innumerable loss of lives, many innovations in medicine and technology were made.

LowTzeHui(19) Clarified
1 point

What do you mean by "911"? Is this a helpline or an event?

1 point

Foreign talent includes professionals and expatriates, not foreign workers such as dosmetic helpers.

1 point

The fact is this - many people around the world are changing their electronic gadgets like clothes because they have to keep up with the Joneses. It is no surprise that the electronic trash that we have accumulated could easily fill a small state like Singapore.

1 point

Does it mean that because school curricula could be regimented, children and teenagers should not go to school? Is this logical? Would it work for every single student?

1 point

Does it mean that the young shouldn't be educated in schools at all? Is there a fallacy in this argument? Could the young be mature enough to take ownership of their own learning entirely?

1 point

Yet what about those suffering from hereditary diseases such as sickle cell anemia? Perhaps they are born with a hole in the heart and they require medication to sustain their lives. While a healthy lifestyle might minimise the frequency of relapses, medicine prevents or at least slows the degeneration of their bodies. Leading an active life with good diet and exercise might not adequately address their inherent medical conditions. In fact, it might be fatal.

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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