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 Should this commercial ever see air time? (6)

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joecavalry(40163) pic

Should this commercial ever see air time?

beer commercial
guinness commercial (

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Share and share alike brothers and sisters...tis the land of the free and the home of the craved.

Side: Lord knows she'll never see it
2 points


There's a lot of reasons not to be like Europe, but that most definitely is not one of them.

Side: Lord knows she'll never see it

Well, I can be converted to perverted ;)

Side: Lord knows she'll never see it

This commercial shows why we don't want to be like the Europeans. They're way too liberal in what they watch!

Side: if they play it late at night it's OK
bryne(6) Disputed
1 point

wtf are you on about? in the UK commercials are funny and lightens the mood. and y do you americans always say stuff like your being liberal all the time?

Side: if they play it late at night it's OK

I have no idea. This was almost 2 years ago. Do you really expect me to remember :)

Side: if they play it late at night it's OK