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Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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HoldTheMayo(5913) pic

Should we be concerned about Iran's nuclear program?

On the one hand, we don't want them to develop nuclear bombs. On the other hand, their right to have them is a logical extension of the second amendment.


Side Score: 5


Side Score: 1
2 points

Yes because they are crazy they'll kill a woman just for showing her face even when they're in America but then again all middle easterns would do that

Side: Yes
1 point

I don't think so that Islamists should not have a nuke .

Side: Yes
1 point

Could you imagine that this guy should have access to transcontinental missiles with nuclear warheads? 5404535226637122047569634_n.jpg

Side: Yes

It is now 2015 and President Obama has initiated a nuclear arms deal with Iran. It is now up to Congress to pass it.

Side: Yes

Guys, guys calm down. They're not actually building a nuke, they're too stupid to do that. Their "nuclear program" is a bunch of guys praying to Allah to give them a nuke. Chill out :)

Side: No