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Debate Score:43
Total Votes:45
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 Yes! (21)
 No! (20)

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sayyad99(773) pic

Should we experiment using animals?

Do you think that using animals to carry out drug testing and other forms of experimentation is inhumane considering that when a factor is discovered to affect animals it can also affect humans as well? Do you think that we should abolish this form of experimentation?


Side Score: 22


Side Score: 21
1 point

I think it is inhumane to the animals, but I don't have a good suggestion on how testing can be carried out otherwise to see what the effects will be on a living being.

Side: Yes!
1 point

If there's another way to do it we should every time... but if not then unfortunately it's necessary.

Side: Yes!
garry77777(1775) Disputed
1 point

I dont disagree with this as much as saurbabys assessment but i still think its weak, the fact is that's not how it plays out in reality, in reality there may be a multitude of others ways but they won't be used as its always easier to use animals than to use costly simulations, and other methods. Saying its necessary when you know (or should know) that it is rarely necessary means you effectively support the experimentation.

Even i admit in exceptional circumstances it would be justified to experiment on animals but in reality they experiment anytime they want, and much of the experimentation is completeyl unrelated to human health products.

Side: No!
Hellno(17724) Disputed
1 point

Why did you dispute what I'm saying then? Geesh Gary! I have the same opinion... I NEVER said there wasn't other ways... I said that whenever there is we should go that route.

Side: Yes!
1 point

It's us or them basically. I think I'd rather a few flies get killed in an experiment than humans. Their lives are short anyway, we might as well get something from that short time

Side: Yes!
garry77777(1775) Disputed
1 point

I find that "us or them" argument to be very weak. I think that what is done to animals is not condonable, and that any attempt to do so is either born out of ignorance or sociopathic tendencies. I think with you its probably the former (i hope) as you seem like a genuinely nice person.

I don't beleive thousands and thousands of animals should have to suffer and die, to ensure some cosmetic product gets produced :;=;=f&has;_ verified=1

Side: No!
Saurbaby(5502) Disputed
1 point

I am not ignorant or a sociopath :)

I totally agree that nothing should die for the sake of cosmetics, that's stupid. I'm speaking about science, such as medicine. We need animals to help find cures and vaccines. Otherwise I'm very against animal testing.

Side: Yes!

Whether for researching for a product or medical purposes, experimenting on animals only thwarts future injury to humans. Sorry ANIMALS.

Side: Yes!

I like experimenting with my wife. I give her a few drinks that I've never tried and see how they affect her and then we try a few different positions I've never tried and then...., wait...., are we talking the same thing ;)

Side: No!
1 point

It is hard to say no because how do we actually know if that medicine is proved worthy. But this feels like to me giving up your own daughter to scientists so they can experiment on her. And that is just wrong in my opinion. I don't have children by the way. Treat others like how you want to be treated. Do you want to be in the animal's position and possible die? I don't want to.

Side: No!

Most treament of animals is cruel and inhuman, the reason it is allowed to happen is implicit in the word inhumane. I dont agree with any forms of animal experimentation, especially the epidemiological studies where animals are subjected to the cruelist treatment imaginable. This is because i empathise with the pain they feel, mammals such are hamsters and rabits are complex lifeforms who feel the same pain we do, they are also emotionally conscious. If they are treated badly they never recover, even if they recover their health fully.

Side: No!

No, they should leave those animals alone.

Side: No!

There are better choices (for medical testing anyway). POWs or life-term prisoners might prove useful in this. Especially since human anatomy will yield much more accurate results.

Side: No!
1 point

We are also considered animals, why don't they experiment on us? They have the same amount of rights to live as we do...

Side: No!
sayyad99(773) Disputed
1 point

According to scientists, the lifespan of animals is shorter than that of humans. According to them, testing on humans will take anywhere from 40 to 100 years to find out the results but testing on animals can take less than a year or so to find out the results and can help to prevent further deaths in the human population. Therefore, according to scientists, it is not about which group is liable for testing but which group produces instant results that can help to save the lives of the human population considering that what affect animals can also affect us. Furthermore, we still use animals for the purpose of hunting, food or other forms of uses to satisfy our needs.

Side: Yes!

if animals could talk think what they'd say. rabbit ..... wait... what do rabbits say?! dang my failure i've diveded by zero... again

Side: Yes!

Leave the animals alone. I can't stand cruelty to animals. The animals should not be made to suffer.

Side: No!