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Debate Score:10
Total Votes:13
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goodmale(1459) pic

Should we fear the unknown?


Side Score: 3


Side Score: 7

Do not be a fool, look before you leap.

Side: Yes
1 point

What kind of idiot walks blindly and contently?

Side: Yes
1 point

A fear of the unknown is entirely natural, even advantageous depending on the context. It becomes problematic when we let it prevent us from what we could be doing, when it cripples our capacity for thought and action.

Side: Yes

In an interview, Neil Degrasse Tyson was asked, "Do you ever get really overwhelmed by the universe? How do you cope with not knowing everything about it?"

His answer was, "The not knowing is the actual attraction of it. So many people only want answers. To be a scientist you have to learn to love the questions. You’ll learn that some of the greatest mysteries of the universe remain unanswered, and that’s the fun part. That’s the part that gets you awake in the morning and running to the office, because there’s a problem awaiting your attention that you might just solve that day. You have to embrace the unknown and embrace your own ignorance."

Edit: Fixed a typo

Side: No
1 point

Although I do fear the unknown, I think everyone would be happier if they took it as the next big adventure, or the next cool surprise. Unfortunately, that's not usually how the human mind works.

Side: No
1 point

Of course not. When we first ventured to the moon, we were venturing into the unknown. Once we landed, it was written down in history books, and is now one of the biggest accomplishments of all time. Even though it might be frightening, we'll never know what's out there unless we take that big step.

Side: No