
Debate Info

Yes NOno no no no no is it 50 now?
Debate Score:11
Total Votes:18
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 Yes (8)
 NOno no no no no is it 50 now? (1)

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kamikaze657(137) pic

Should we get rid of this 50 character thing?

Sometimes I just post a short argument/reply and I hate how it says its not 50 and then I ssaw joecavalry post and I got pissed.( he replied to someone when he copy pasted the message and he repied with few charcaheters) Sorry joe.  Is it like you need a lot of points to get past it or something?


Side Score: 10

NOno no no no no is it 50 now?

Side Score: 1

I just get annoyed

The minimum length for an argument is 50 characters. The purpose of this restriction is to cut down on the amount of dumb jokes, so we can keep the quality of debate and discourse as high as possible.

Side: yes

I just get annoyed

The minimum length for an argument is 50 characters. The purpose of this restriction is to cut down on the amount of dumb jokes, so we can keep the quality of debate and discourse as high as possible.

See what i mean.

Side: yes
1 point

Yes because there are ways around it .

Side: yes
1 point

You can get around it if you want, but it's just a hassle .

Side: yes
1 point

I find it very limiting. I don't feel like typing 50 characters all the time.

Side: yes
1 point

There's a trick to getting past the 50 char requirement. Type a load of spaces in between the first and last character of your post - when it's posted they'll show up as just 1 space.


"Hello, how are you doing[space][space][space][space][space][space][space][space][space][space][space][space][space][space][space][space][space][space][space][space][space][space][space][space][space]?"

would be postable, and it'd look like:

"Hello, how are you doing ?"

Side: yes
-1 points

Yes .

Side: yes

No, there should be a way for highly rated or older accounts to get around it though. Getting around it by using asterisks or spaces does allow for sucky arguments to be made too easily. Those who have stayed around for a while, like joe, or who consistently have actual arguments upvoted should be able to break it since they may indeed be able to make a very good and concise argument. The 50 char limit should be better enforced, really just a few lines of javascript should do it. just have each space count as a character, use regular expressions to make sure astriskes are not beign used to try to game the system and i think we should be good. Decide to load or not load the 50 char limit javascript code by a php or what ever Server side scripting language the site uses based on some property of the account, like length of membership and/or points +points lost due to downvoting. (since downvoting has the affect of making good debaters look like bad ones if points are used to determine if they are good)

I could write the code in a few minitues, regular expressions + javascript can be found here. redev3.shtml

and here:

Side: NOno no no no no is it 50 now?