
Debate Info

Yeah, why not No, that wont work
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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 Yeah, why not (3)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40130) pic

Should we sacrifice stupid people to polar bears so that they don't go extinct due to GW?

Polar bears are in danger of becoming extinct due to Global Warming.

Everyone likes polar bears.

No one likes stupid people.

It's a win / win situation.... if you're smart ;)

Yeah, why not

Side Score: 5

No, that wont work

Side Score: 0

If we're gonna do this we're gonna have to give the stupid people a head start just to make it more fair. ;)

Side: Yeah, why not
2 points

Okay, but I want a pack of smokes, a lighter with my name on it, and a really nice blindfold.

Side: Yeah, why not
1 point

Too true, Nobody likes stupid people and it means that the polar bears have a constant supply of food all year round

Side: Yeah, why not
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