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Debate Score:16
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 Shout Out of the Week: The CreateDebate Lesbians, Azra & Hannah (14)

Debate Creator

Hellno(17724) pic

Shout Out of the Week: The CreateDebate Lesbians, Azra & Hannah

This is the second in my series of one shout outs: The CreateDebate Lesbians!

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1 point

I LOVE the CD lesbians... especially Azra!

Woohoo!!! We love you too!!! Thanks for the shoutout. Didnt know we were celebrities.

Sitara(11075) Clarified
1 point

She is hot. ;)

1 point

Yay. I feel loved. Like an internet sensation. This feels great!!!!!!!!

I thought I was the first and only shout out :OOOOOO

1 point

You are... this is the second in my series of one... it's complicated.

Congratulations to HELLNO for another successful and utterly pointless rant

Its not entirely pointless. It does give him some more points. Also I believe he has done one for Shoutoutloud too. Also debates like these happen often.

1 point

Aren't rants supposed to be fairly long? This isn't long at all yo!

The standard definition of rant is solely depended on the length .

He is going for top score on the createdebate pinball,ding,ding,ding,10,000 point's extra ball,ding,ding.

SORRY,hello lesbian's,have a gay week,and keep playing the CreateDebate Pinball,ding,ding,ding.

I didn't realize Lesbians were so special. I guess they aren't people. (jokes)