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Debate Score:3
Total Votes:5
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awsom4ever(149) pic

Smoking should be illegal.


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1 point

I don't smoke myself, but I don't think it should be made illegal. If people choose to smoke, then let them smoke. They choose to accept the health risks associated with smoking. As long as they do it in a private place, away from me, I don't really care. I just think that smoking should be illegal in public areas to stop second-hand smoking.

Side: No
0 points

Part of me wants to jump right on it and say yes because of how unhealthy it is and how many problems it causes. But smoking is well on its way out of fashion already and i dont think anyone has the right to tell people what they can and cant put into their bodies. Its like prohibition of alcohol. Bad idea. Just let it burn itself out. Get it?

Side: No
0 points

You can't, literally can not, make something illegal, that the people have known, and are comfortable with being legal. I mean you literally can, I was just using hyperbole, but it won't be effective at all. It will deter maybe the very smallest percentage of people, who will say darn, smoking's illegal, gotta find a new habit to be addicted to, but the rest will find other ways, and that will on go towards making so many American citizens, technical criminals, because they refuse to follow a law they consider unjust, or unnecessary.

On top of the reactions of the people, I simply want to know why it would be worth considering making it illegal.

Side: No