
Debate Info

And they call me nuts. It's true cube city will come.
Debate Score:8
Total Votes:8
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 And they call me nuts. (7)
 It's true cube city will come. (1)

Debate Creator

Warjin(1577) pic

So wait Jesus is coming to Earth on a Borg Cube Mother Ship?

New Jerusalem of Revelation ch.21 is 2225 km. in length, width, and height, a city of these gigantic proportions can not be located on this earth, but as stated in ch.21 comes down from heaven on to the new earth. (so a 1500 Sq mile cube ship coming from space?)

And they call me nuts.

Side Score: 7

It's true cube city will come.

Side Score: 1
1 point

Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha ,wait okay, let my catch my breath for a sec. hold on, Ha, Ha, Ha Ha. alright, no like is this for real? I mean to people really believe this stuff?

I'm at a loss for words right now, I don't know if I should laugh my ass off or be concerned for my safety right now, I mean if people believe this crap whats to stop them from harming me or my family if they one day hear voices to murder me, I'm scared and amused at the same time right now lol.

Side: And they call me nuts.
1 point

Ha! I don't really have anything to say about the debate... just that I LOLed at that sign, 'Jesus is coming, resistance is futile'. Hahaha!

Side: And they call me nuts.
1 point

That's weird. The black cube is symbolic of Saturn. Saturn is the equivalent of Satan in many ancient polytheistic religions.

Side: And they call me nuts.

Why is it equivalent to Satan and how does the cube symbolize Saturn?

Side: And they call me nuts.
1 point

It's pretty much just a cult symbol now, but it dates back pretty far. Saturn was the name of a Roman god. The planet is named after him, as well as Saturday. Saturn is Cronus in ancient Greek mythology. They were both basically evil gods, in other words... the Satan of their religions. The name "Satan" is actually pretty similar to Saturn... but that may just be coincidence.

Side: And they call me nuts.

9 of years ago, I had a dream of that happening and I've never heard of this before...

Side: It's true cube city will come.