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Debate Score:9
Total Votes:10
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Atrag(5666) pic

"Survivors" of sexual abuse. Should we admire them?

Some people tha are survivors seem to want you to applaud to the fact that they're survivors. It seems to me that when you say 'survivor' of sexual abuse all you mean is that they didn't resort to killing themselves as a result of what they've been through. Do you think this is such a big achievement?


Side Score: 4


Side Score: 5

No it doesn't mean they survived from killing themselves. It means they survived from it, mentally.

Survive, is not meant as ''staying alive''. It is meant as having been through sexual abuse, and still managing to live with that fact, that they were betrayed in probably the most hurtful, disgusting and destroying way one can be.

To survive, means that they are now currently happy. Which is a big thing to achieve, when you've experienced such terror in your life, and yes, it should be applauded. Admired? It doesn't have to be. Like someone said, you go through different things that are hard, and not everyone needs to be admired. Applaud and admire are two different things.

Side: Yes

I don't quite understand the premise on which one could answer 'no' to this question.

Side: Yes
1 point

No. That is no reason to admire someone. Everyone goes through things in their lives that are hard, no one applauds them for that. And they shouldn't.

It's not an achievement. It's a normal part of life.

Just some people's rough patch is objectively harder than someone else's doesn't mean it was truly harder for them. No reason to admire them, they're not any more special than people who survive other kind of problems.

Side: No
2 points

If you think sexual abuse is "a normal part of life" then you clearly are a threat to society or are under the abusive nature of someone who is.

Side: Yes
Gloria(135) Disputed
2 points

Surviving hard parts of life is a normal part of life.

Not sexual abuse.

Side: No
1 point



Side: No