
Debate Info

Yes, I like having enemies No, lets all be friends
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 Yes, I like having enemies (1)
 No, lets all be friends (1)

Debate Creator

judas(295) pic

Taking sides....

"It’s a sad thing to not have friends, but it is even sadder not to have enemies"

- Ernesto Guevara

I really like the allies/enemies option. I've noticed that some users here like to keep thier enemies category empty and only have friends and hostiles. I think that is a mistake. These options help us keep things clear and I think people should use them. Adding someone to your enemies list does not make you lifelong rivals that means you will one day end up sword fighting to the death or some shit. All it means is that you disagree, which should be okay with everyone.

(Anyone that doesn't like what I'm saying here, please add me to your enemies list right away)


Yes, I like having enemies

Side Score: 2

No, lets all be friends

Side Score: 1

Having enemies means that I have successfully trolled the crap out of you and pissed you off ;)

Side: Yes, I like having enemies
1 point

It's not that I think we should all be friends, but I'm reserving the first person that I make my enemy for someone really special. :) Ismaila, for users who remember her, almost made it, but she was so much fun that I just couldn't do it ;)

Side: No, lets all be friends