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 Team USA wins the gold in numerous events! Your thoughts? (6)

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LoveStargirl(496) pic

Team USA wins the gold in numerous events! Your thoughts?

We (meaning the americans) have won the shiny gold medal in some events, the main ones i know are gymnastics and swimming. help me name some more. and express your opinions on our wins! and also we should acknowledge Great Britain for coming close in some events

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1 point

The US and China are basically tied... no one else is even close.

1 point

China's got more golds though.

1 point

Not according to Google... we're tied at 18 each and the US has more overall metals.... but as I said, we're basically tied.

1 point

Women's 2000M rowing (or whatever you call it) GOLD! They kicked posterior!

1 point

It's just that they have a larger population to choose from.

1 point

USA is winning so much I'm getting kinda bored...

NOT REALLY! I love watching us dominate. :]