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 Ted Cruz is the Slippery Slope of Obama's Number One Allegation (2)

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Pantagruel(984) pic

Ted Cruz is the Slippery Slope of Obama's Number One Allegation

Nobody important cared that Obama was accused of having not been born in America, so why should anybody important care that Cruz undeniably was not born in America?
On the other hand, it is pretty damn discriminatory to forbid somebody from office on the virtue of the location of their mother at the time of their birth. Might as well forbid Cruz from running as an act of condemnation against all Cubans: not like they have any more say in being born a Cuban than you did to tell your mother where to birth you!
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Big money in this nation hate Conservatives. Democrats hate Conservatives. The majority of left wing media hate Conservatives. The rhino Republicans hate Conservtives.

America will go bankrupt because the ignorant masses have been conditioned to believe they have a right to take others money for themselves with no need to ever get a job.

Cruz will never get elected because those in power want to keep things just the way they are. They want no one giving power and our money back to the people and taking it from the paid for politicians.

Our Government has become one big political scheme, buying votes by redistributing our money.

1 point

Big money donates just as much to Conservatives as Democrats. Big money loves the Republican party because they, unlike the Progressive Wing of the Democratic party, don't want to stop big money donations at all.

Cruz is huge on big money. His wife, a Goldman Sachs executive, got him the money (from Goldman Sachs) that started off his campaign.

Our government has indeed become one big political scheme. The problem is, you don't recognize that it is just as big of a problem on the right as on the left.