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is great!! it sucks!!
Debate Score:10
Total Votes:11
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 is great!! (7)
 it sucks!! (3)

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Iblis(60) pic

The Catcher in the Rye...

is great!!

Side Score: 7

it sucks!!

Side Score: 3

It is well written, and certainly one of the most significant works in American literature; however, I do think that Holden Caulfield is a whinny little bitch with intimacy issues.

Side: Holden is a bitch
1 point

Most people will agree that the book is very well written. The debates will lie more on the characterization and, of course, the character's beliefs.

I love Holden Caulfield. What I mainly liked from it was his ability to observe people for who they really were. I thought I was the only one who saw the "phony" behavior of human beings until I read that book. I'm not exactly like Holden Caulfield (he would hate Internetz people like me), but I am really observant of human behavior, which has caused me to hate people so much.

The good that came from all of that is that I'm very skeptical and very open minded. I don't go with the popular opinion if there's something wrong with it. And I just hate how society is never going to go for the most logical ways to structure things (issues like Cannibalism, Narcotics and Religion)

Side: is great!!
1 point

The Catcher in the Rye is a well written book; all that you can ask of a book is that it portrays whatever it's trying to portray well. So, I would say that the book itself is great.

I disliked Holden, and did not admire him at all. I don't think you can gain much insight into life from his point of view, the only insight you gain from the book is into the mind of Holden, and I suppose people in real life who are like him. I think of him as one of the best reminders that cynicism/pessimism does not necessarily equal wisdom. But at the same time, I think the whole story was about him growing up and getting over most of the stuff that made him so unlikeable, so I suppose all of the whining and bitching ending with a happy ending.

Side: is great!!
1 point

was amazing. to bad the author won't let them make a movie. so much character and story. amazing, great, fantastic, loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove it

Side: is great!!

I love The Catcher in the Rye because I find it creepily relatable. I identify with many of Holden's internal problems, and I know that there's more to his complaints than just whining. I know exactly where he's coming from, and I appreciate it because it gives me a way to express how I feel, in a way. People who think that Holden is annoying just aren't listening to what he's saying. :)

Side: is great!!

Never read it, but I've heard of the controversy.

With that said, I think the book is damn great, for it caused a split in society that showed the obvious difference between the smart and the dumb.

Because after all, if you think that somehow a book can be the cause for someone becoming crazy and trying to kill people, um... then you're completely retarded. In fact, you probably have lead poisoning from being so retarded.

Side: is great!!
1 point

I read The Catcher in the Rye. That book pissed me off. It started out pretty good, but by the end it was just like, shut up! I don’t care about your goddamn sister. It gets so off point. And he keeps bragging about his goddamn red hunter cap. ”It cost a buck”, whoopty fucking doo. And he just keeps on repeating the same stupid phrases over and over, he really does, I mean it, that kills me. And he says “that kills me” like it’s something good. She looked really hot in that dress, it killed me. Shut the fuck up Holden, that isn’t even a goddamn name. And he gets so upset when his roommate went on a date with a girl he knew a year ago. Get over it! I don’t cry every time a girl I was with moves on. And the kid is so goddamn DUMB! “Where do the ducks in central park go every winter? Do they take them to the zoo?” I thought everyone knew about migration since, like, the first grade. And what the hell is up with “they wrapped up mummies in ancient Egypt with some magical chemical that keeps them preserved and modern scientists don’t know how.” What the fuck are you talking about? We know what they did to mummies in Egypt. But the thing that killed me the most is when he said that they can teach you to ride a horse in about two seconds (THAT is how you would use that phrase by the way). Even if you rode western, which is like the simplest form of riding, it takes years for your muscles to really develop and for you to learn how to wrangle cows and do a sliding stop and many other things. “I’m gonna work on a ranch”, no you fucking aren’t kid.

Side: it sucks!!
1 point

I read this book and it is the worst book that i have read in a long long long long long long long lnogn long lno glong long long long l gon time. IT SUCKS!!

Side: it sucks!!
0 points

How could a book that has inspired Mark David Chapman's shooting of John Lennon (Chapman was arrested with a copy of the book), John Hinckley, Jr.'s assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan, Robert John Bardo's shooting of Rebecca Schaeffer, and other murders be a "good" book?

Side: it sucks!!
ThePyg(6706) Disputed
1 point

Supposedly Natural Born Killers, The Matrix, Marilyn Manson, and DOOM all inspired the Columbine Murders.

Pro-Wrestling inspired the Virginia Tech shootings and Lionel Tate to kill his sister.

Maybe people are violent and do bad things. Society tries to make up excuses for it.

Side: is great!!