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 The Flag Comes Down & Maybe Sharpton Too (7)

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daver(1770) pic

The Flag Comes Down & Maybe Sharpton Too

Another symbol of our unions darkest days is finally receiving the negative attention it deserves. Another thing that divides us is coming down, finally recognized as simply unacceptable in our society. 

Still another symbol of division received a second rebuke by the good citizens of Charleston. 

The Rev. Al Sharpton abandoned his plans to again travel to Charleston to stir the pot of hatred he uses to make his living. He and the flag are now seen more clearly as symbols of the division we are turning away from. Al should go now to Charleston to be placed in their museum alongside the flag. 

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2 points

I'd pay to see Al in a museum.

I'd pay to not have to see him at all.

1 point

Then you probably do NOT want to see this image.

1 point

It is saddening that the flag, a symbol of resistance against the "North" that so many fought and died for, both black and white, has been turned into a symbol of hatred and racism.

The Rev. Al Sharpton abandoned his plans to again travel to Charleston to stir the pot of hatred he uses to make his living. He and the flag are now seen more clearly as symbols of the division we are turning away from. Al should go now to Charleston to be placed in their museum alongside the flag.

Interesting notes here. I was always curious what political spectrum you fell in.

daver(1770) Clarified
1 point

Political ????

IMO Al has more to do with race baiting than politics. In fact, I couldn't tell you Al's politics, but I could fill your ear with his racism.

Starchild123(832) Clarified
1 point

Ah, not an Al Sharpton fan i see. Neither am I. I honestly do not know much about the man.

GenericName(3430) Clarified
1 point

I doubt he is even legitimately racist, I think he just makes a career out of this crap (which is even worse in my opinion).