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 The Left has a ponzey scheme to usher in Socialism. It works like this... (2)

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The Left has a ponzey scheme to usher in Socialism. It works like this...

When it comes to the cost of Housing, Healthcare, Education, etc., have you noticed how fast these costs are going up? What was the one common denominator that precipitated these cost increases, far exceeding inflation?

Government getting involved!

The Left told us that we needed to help low income people afford homes, afford better Healthcare, afford College, regardless if their incomes could support owning homes, going to College, etc.

So what happened? The Government started getting involved with what once belonged in the private sector. They started providing tax payer funded loans for housing such as with HUD, which allowed people and Banks to charge much more for homes because low income people could now get loans regardless if they could afford them. This is what ushered in the 2008 collapse of Banks when all the foreclosures started hitting. Now these same corrupt Democrats want to give illegal immigrants HUD loans...

Then they started tax payer funded low interest rate College loans for low income students. So what happened? College tuition's skyrocketed because many more students could get easy loans regardless if they could afford the high College tuition's.

Then they created Obamacare which subsidized low income people's health insurance. What happened? The cost of our healthcare premiums and deductibles became unaffordable for middle class families, while low income people got their healthcare for very little or free.

Government bankrupts everything it touches because those who charge services will raise their costs to take advantage of the easy money paid for by tax payers.

Now as these costs skyrocket, what do these closet Socialist Democrats say? They say we should make College free because so many students are in debt over their heads! These corrupt Politicians created this easy money, and after they made it unaffordable, they say we need to make it FREE! LOL, CAN YOU BELIEVE THEIR ARROGANCE?

This is how Socialism begins. A corrupt strategy of closeted Socialists who deliberately make things unaffordable, and then scream we need to get Government fully involved and make it free!

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If you can't see how this all works, you must be a low end voter lacking the most basic math skills when it comes to economics.

Socialism 101...

Start a propaganda campaign against Christianity. Censor prayers and nativity scenes from public land, make people believe they are not responsible for their irresponsible choices in life so as to usher in a Godless culture built on self love.

After the culture starts falling into the gutter with families falling apart, rush in with Government handouts forced from tax payer's paychecks.

Start inflating the cost of everything by socialized take over of our private sector. As the prices skyrocket, start coming out of the Socialist closet telling everyone that they should have free College, free healthcare, free, free, free, free.