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False Really false
Debate Score:1
Total Votes:1
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 False (1)

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LaughingDog(46) pic

The false narratives that the Democrats have created

*The Republicans are to blame for systemic racism despite the left controlling the institutions in the system they themselves created.
*The Republicans caused black peoples' problems despite black people almost all living in heavily liberal cities controlled by liberals.
*The Democrats are going to save you from your massive student debt they created as they jack up tuition and pay themselves more.
*Putin invading Ukraine caused American inflation and high gas prices despite inflation and high gas prices coming before Putin's invasion.


Side Score: 1

Really false

Side Score: 0
1 point

Don't forget Trump is a Putin puppet, then behind the scenes then they say the story is a nothing burger to each other. Don't forget that a bunch of Trump supporters attacked Jussie Smollett, but they were actually paid by Smollett to do it. Don't forget that the KKK was at a Bush rally, but it was actually leftists comfortable screaming racist things in Klan sheets. This is who and what the left is. Pure evil.

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