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RSS JoeHicks

Reward Points:33
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

During the campaign, Biden said, “I think we can win back the House” when it was already in his party’s hands. Super Tuesday became Super Thursday; he forgot the words of the Declaration of Independence, “All men and women are created, by the, you know, you know the thing.” Excon had no comment due to his systemic racism.

1 point

This guy sees a rich, white, Christian Joe Biden stuttering like a special ed kid, and of course he singles out the black man and leaves the white man alone. This is the racist system blacks are railing against.

2 points

But, you miss the point.. They're not interested in convincing you their behavior is normal.. Cause it ain't.. They're interested in convincing you their behavior is LEGAL, and it IS..

So are Conservatism, Christianity, being white and male, and so is being a Capitalist rather than a Communist.

2 points

In this great country of ours, you're FREE to be anything you wanna be, as long as you don't make demands on anyone.

Unless it's take this vaccine, wear this mask or close down your business.

Ain't this a great country, or what?

The left tells us it's not. You bow on bended knee to them anyway.

1 point

Don't forget Trump is a Putin puppet, then behind the scenes then they say the story is a nothing burger to each other. Don't forget that a bunch of Trump supporters attacked Jussie Smollett, but they were actually paid by Smollett to do it. Don't forget that the KKK was at a Bush rally, but it was actually leftists comfortable screaming racist things in Klan sheets. This is who and what the left is. Pure evil.

2 points

Now, it might be the homeless Californians seeking refuge in Mexico.. And, if that's so, why would that piss you off?

It wouldn't piss us off for leftists to reap the harvest from their childish policies and decisions. You should move back to Seattle and face the results of the policies you support like a grown ass man.

1 point

Why is Biden always two steps behind the competition

Because he's a feckless moron who has no idea whether his underwear goes on his head or on his arm in the morning.

2 points

The Democratic Party is imploding and losing support like water out of faucet, and in desperation, the best you have is a picture of a cop down while your party tells us cops are evil. No wonder you're losing. Your party has no message. I hate Republicans while pretending to be tolerant isn't a message.

2 points

No one has forgotten the Republicans taking your slaves away. As for the rest of your blabbering, if you justify violence, claim it's a viable option and then codemn rioters on inauguration day, you are what is called a self righteous hypocrite.

1 point

Having a good 420 day?? No?? Still puting pot smokers in jail, huh? Is that good??

Kamala Harris locked up more than anybody. You voted for her. Apparently you vote for being kicked squarely in your nuts.

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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