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 The problem with Democrats (I mean Socialists) is they never learn. It's inbred I guess. (2)

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FromWithin(8241) pic

The problem with Democrats (I mean Socialists) is they never learn. It's inbred I guess.

One would think after witnessing eight long years of Liberal Democrats (Socialists) doing all in their power to hurt business with many regulations, forced Obamacare, hgh taxes, etc., the results would have opened the eyes of those on the Left!

One would be wrong! Their eyes look like Marlon Brando's on a sunny day. Then one day they hear a sound bite on fake news calling Trump a racist nazi for the trillionth time, and like a miracle... their eyes open to the likes of Marty Feldman. They jump up and down singing Trump is a racist racist racist... Trump is a Nazi Nazi Nazi...

A Conservative could sit with a Progressive, discussing Socialism versus capitalism, showing the historical statistics showing why capitalism is much better at growing an economy, creating good jobs, REDUCING the number of people living off Government, etc. etc., and the Progressive looks at you like you are some kind of alien Vulcan.

Progressives would explain how our money is better off in the hands of corrupt politicians rather than in the hands of the workers. They would say Government is better at spending our money and creating more jobs, then the private sector is.

You would say Government takes our money, spends it on career able bodied Government dependents, to garner their votes. When the Progressive finally runs out of Liberal talking points, he falls back on tried and true Liberalism 101... calling you a racist nazi homophobic zealot!

So like Spock, you say.... that's illogical!
They repeat Racist, Nazi, Racist, Nazi...

So I want you to go home tonight, watch your favorite fake news channel, and see how many seconds transpires before the word Racist is mentioned. Then watch late night so called comedy shows and see how long before the Nazi label is used.

There is no getting through the heads of Left wing Democrats, Progressives (Socialists). It's like dysfunctional cult members putting their fingers in their ears screaming racist nazi while you are trying to explain economics 101.

It's a lost cause because many of them or their family members either work for the Government or live off Government. They can most likely see the truth but are too lazy or selfish to care.
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Now we will see the site Clown copy and create yet one more echo chamber to listen to pure silence.

The words logic and Progressive goes together like beets and apple pie.