
Debate Info

Extraterrestrials! No, they did it alone.
Debate Score:30
Total Votes:30
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 Extraterrestrials! (5)
 No, they did it alone. (13)

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DaWolfman(3324) pic

The pyramids, possible without some form of outside help?


Side Score: 5

No, they did it alone.

Side Score: 25
1 point

I am a skeptic of aliens. Your average flying saucer video I don't even consider, however the things that are inexplicable are what interest me.

The Mayan temples, pyramids, the sphinx, Stonehenge! All seemingly impossible for the time they were built, so what explains it?

Side: Extraterrestrials!

Not just the things that you mentioned, but there are other possible references in ancient history to aliens.

The Sumerians are a prominent example.

Not just then, but tens of millions of people, if nor more, have claimed to have seen a flying saucer. Many have claimed to have been abducted.

I recently bought a few dozen UFO magazines from eBay, one or two include articles about aliens and ancient civilization: I'll remember this debate when they come in.

Side: Extraterrestrials!

Ancient Aliens is a fair debate and scientifically possible.

Chariots of Gods is a excellent depiction of the possible events that may have taken place. Was_God_an_Astronaut

Side: Extraterrestrials!
4 points

The pyramids of Giza were made of poured cement, not cut limestone. Even if they were cut from limestone, I don't think a space faring species from another solar system (or galaxy) would come to earth to help a bunch of monkeys bury a single monkey in a huge monument made of rock. It's a lot easier to imagine slaves hauling up ground sand and rocks, and water than giant limestone bricks.

At the same time though, I wouldn't be surprised if aliens did visit and share their knowledge...

Side: No, they did it alone.
2 points

Damn, long time no presence!

I have often entertained the notion that the majority of materials of the pyramids are the result of todays equivalent of concrete.

Albeit, I do have a tendency to allow questions like this to remain unanswered in my mind. After all, I do enjoy speculative thinking for the sake of speculation. Call this my "The truth is out there" moment.

Side: No, they did it alone.
2 points

Yes, it was done by hard work and/or with the help of slaves. Today people think the impossible is impossible. At one time it was thought the impossible was possible, and so it was accomplished.

R.G. Letourneau (a contractor around 1920) used over 400 guys on an earthmoving job and worked at inventing machines to reduce the amount of people needed to just a handful. Today, he is credited for the birth of modern machinery to do this work. The same work is accomplished, the only difference is the amount of people needed. Think what 3000 workers could accomplish over a 20 year period, pyramids were built.

Side: No, they did it alone.
2 points

I guess that makes sense, what about all of the artwork that depicted distorted, alien looking humans? Do you think that art was just art? Or were they drawing something they had seen?

Side: No, they did it alone.
3 points

My theory about ancient drawings is that they are depicted as they perceived them to be. The human brain has changed slightly over the centuries and the way we perceive things has also changed. A bee sees only in ultra violet and if that bee was to paint a human we would be painted in different shades of purple, but we are indeed made up of a wide range of colors. Thus making early man's work real to them, and not to us.

Side: No, they did it alone.
2 points

With an endless supply of free labor, anything is possible ;)

Side: No, they did it alone.
TERMINATOR(6781) Disputed
2 points

An endless supply would indicate that the population was infinite. That is inaccurate.

However, that still doesn't mean that aliens were involved.

Side: No, they did it alone.
AtlantaEsq(94) Disputed
2 points

Next time I'll try to lay the sarcasm on a little thicker.

Side: Extraterrestrials!
2 points

1. Considering there are more stars in the Universe (something like 10^23) then grains of sand on the earth (something like 10^18)

and that the vast majority of these stars have at least one planet and maybe more,

it is almost an absolute that life has emerged in millions of forms throughout the Universe. Many of which would naturally eventually develop intelligence.

This is almost certain and that some lack the imagination to consider alien life is not logic's problem.

2. But everything is far far far away, and light speed is impossible for everything but light as far as we know. (except a weird hypothetical molecule that always travels faster than the speed of light and cannot go slower but that may or may not exist and I forget its name)

3. So as Bradford said there's absolutely no reason for aliens to travel this far just to help a bunch of monkeys bury 1 monkey under a bunch of rocks.

Side: No, they did it alone.

There is no doubt that there is life other than on Earth. The Universe is so large making it almost impossible to travel great distances.

Side: No, they did it alone.
1 point

i personally think aliens are dumb. sorry. disagree if you must, its why we are here

Side: No, they did it alone.
iamdavidh(4816) Disputed
1 point

No, actually the reason we are here is to give arguments about our positions. You have not given any argument as to why you believe aliens are dumb. Aliens may be dumb, or they may not. Whatever the case, there should certainly be a reason behind this opinion.

Side: No, they did it alone.