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Discuss It's true
Debate Score:2
Total Votes:2
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 It's true (1)

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ZingoFet(36) pic

The real and honest reason why Excon does not like Conservatives

When Excon says something like, "I support such and such," leftists say, oh you're a nice guy or you're a good person. When Excon says that to a Conservative, they ask, "what have you actually done to help such and such cause?" and the answer is nothing, so his inflated ego gets bursted rather than inflated for having done nothing.

Excon lives in a world where he tells himself, "I joined the Democrats in the 60s because the Democrats weren't racist, and the Republicans were," so you pointing out that way more Republicans passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 than Democrats, bursts his false narrative he has created to get himself through the day. A Democrat would have probably just agreed with him, he would have felt good, and he would have went on about his week.

In his view a good person is just someone who pads his ego or at least doesn't make him feel icky, and a bad person is someone who doesn't pad his ego, does make him feel icky, and whether they are correct or not is irrelevent.


Side Score: 1

It's true

Side Score: 1
1 point

The real and honest reason why Excon does not like Conservatives

Hello :

Nahhh.. I like conservatives just fine.. But, the conservative known as developing is a rabid antisemite, and that's why I don't like him.. You might be him, for all I know. He hides a lot.. If I were an antisemitic prick like him, I'd hide too.


Side: Discuss
1 point

The real and honest reason why Excon does not like Conservatives


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There just ain't no other way to say that.


Side: It's true