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 The slippery slope, alive and well. (7)

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FromWithin(8241) pic

The slippery slope, alive and well.

It is amazing how many times Conservatives and Christians were completely correct over concerns of the direction this nation was moving. Those on the left always laughed at those who spoke out against the lies from the Left.

Remember when Pro choice people told us that Roe v Wade would not allow abortions past 1st. trimester? LIE!

Remember when they told us tax payers would not have to pay for abortions? LIE!

Remember when they said civil unions would not lead to Gay marriage? LIE!

Remember when Global warming alarmists told us all the horror stories of melting Glaciers and numerous hurricanes? LIES!

Remember when Gun control fanatics told us only assault rifles would be banned? LIE! The safe act in New York banned any hunting rife that held more than seven rounds of ammunition.

Remember when Democrats told us our healthcare premiums would go down and we could keep our current plan? LIE!

Remember when politicians told us if we helped able bodied people with welfare, they would appreciate the help and find jobs as soon as possible? LIE! The more money we redistribute money from the middle class to low income people, the more the wefare roles grow and the more it becomes a way of life!

The slippery slope is real and our nation is dieing from the results.


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"Remember when Pro choice people told us that Roe v Wade would not allow abortions past 1st. trimester? LIE!"

When did they do so?

"Remember when Pro choice people told us that Roe v Wade would not allow abortions past 1st. trimester? LIE!"

The Hyde Amendment exists.

"Remember when Pro choice people told us that Roe v Wade would not allow abortions past 1st. trimester? LIE!"

I specifically remember them (and myself) saying the exact opposite.

"Remember when Global warming alarmists told us all the horror stories of melting Glaciers and numerous hurricanes? LIES!"

You mean very, very recently? To the point where nowhere near enough time has passed to declare it a lie?

"Remember when Gun control fanatics told us only assault rifles would be banned? LIE! The safe act in New York banned any hunting rife that held more than seven rounds of ammunition."

Now here I am going to agree with you. Gun control proponents have indeed been very dishonest with their methods.

"Remember when Democrats told us our healthcare premiums would go down and we could keep our current plan? LIE!"

They have for millions of people, despite my opposition to the ACA.

"Remember when politicians told us if we helped able bodied people with welfare, they would appreciate the help and find jobs as soon as possible? " Do you have ANY figures on how many people on welfare are not working?

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

Yes I have a very good idea how many people on welfare are not working! My wife worked in social services and guess what? She said approx. 80% of able bodied people were NOT WORKING!

Are you out of your mind? Obama was not talking to low income people who would have their premiums reduced and could keep their own insurance. These people did NOT HAVE INSURANCE REMEMBER? The low income people are the only ones getting subsidies from the tax payers and is the only reason their insurance is not as expensive. Who doesn't know any corrupt politician can steal from one American and give to another American for their vote and make their premiums go down.

He was talking to working middle class families whose insurance has drastically gone up and were not able to keep their old plans. For you to carry his water makes you laughable.

1 point

"No in one case the child can (and will with authoritative intervention) be sent off into a home/orphanage whereas the other scenario the child's mother is an absolute necessity."

So provide a citation for that figure.

"He was talking to working middle class families whose insurance has drastically gone up and were not able to keep their old plans. For you to carry his water makes you laughable."

Do you have any citation for that?

And I have not "carried his water", and even within my post stated my opposition to the ACA.

My god, you really are the "you either with me or you are my enemy" type.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

You are a liar once again. I lived during the Roe V Wade debates and they MOST CERTAINLY DID say that Roe would only allow first trimester abortions!

1 point

So where is your evidence? And how is asking when they said that a "Lie"? Do you know what a lie is?

1 point

The difficulty that politicians and bureaucrats of all sides face is they want to win votes but they sometimes need to make hard decisions. So sometimes big ones never really get the attention they need. Its a conundrum that has been going on for hundreds of years. How to maintain society and the economy "and" keep the voters happy.

Of course politicians and bureaucrats make promises and I believe they mean keep them but the world is changing around them and what is Ok to do today may be different tomorrow. Change is being forged globally and on a daily basis in the political arena.