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 The world in which we live. (13)

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crywolf(31) pic

The world in which we live.

I walk outside and couldn't possibily think anything bad of the world, I see the sun shining ;the clouds rolling and birds chirping and playing. Then I walk to the store and see people, I see them and think "damn, what fucked up shit have they done" and some I see and feel sad for them ,because their life could have been completely different. Yet it wasn't due to their choices, so should I feel bad? Or was it on bad circumstances. I go inside and watch the news and see murders,rapes,suicides,bombings, Giant oil spills threatning entire ecosystems of life.
Everything wrong with the world is wrong because of us. We took this earth, raped it's forests, polluted it's waters and destroyed it's climate. There isn't much time for us anymore, maybe another century at most. If we don't kill ourself first.
Im ashamed to call myself an american, Im ashamed to call myself a human.
You dissapoint me humanity, you left me and my generations your mess.
Just had to vent, because A perfect circle doesn't cure everything.


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So stop cryin' about it, suck it up and do somehting about it.

1 point

u should not cry about wat u hav lost but u should move forward to solve those problems.

1 point

Reminds me of the movie The day the Earth Stood Still, where aliens try to wipe out humanity to spare the earth of our destructive habits.

1 point

O.o ....... im not sure how to respond to need ta get layed......quickly O_O

Bohemian(3858) Disputed
1 point

Geez Cherrylatae, go easy on him. He's only 15....







0 points

I'm sixteen and I think he's a complete idiot.


1 point

That irresponsible response is why people make irrational decisions.

1 point

oops mii bad.......but still O.o that was a lil kreepy....just a tad

0 points

people choose to grow up and become nothing, that's irresponsible, we stopped growing when we stopped needing things.

I expected serious responses, not all that bullshit you just threw at me.

It would be nice to talk to someone who actually understands what this earth and it's people are going through. Not ignorant 16 year olds who think they can judge based off one paragraph.

Even though I am 15 does not mean im not educated. Hell im probabley smarter then most 30 year olds, and obviously smarter then cherry when she says I need to get laid. That's not important to me, changing the world is.

Turn on the news, and everything I just posted to you is true, all of that is really happening. Don't run away from your reality with humor, or maybe it's just because you don't care. Whatever the matter is in your head is your problem. So don't come on my serious posts and write bullshit please.


Bohemian(3858) Disputed
1 point

Obviously our world has problems, big ones in fact, but when you consider where we've come from, and what our world was like 400 or 1,000 years ago you can see we are making progress. It was only 300 years ago when we were burning witches. Intelligence and average standard of living has dramatically risen over the past few centuries. The world is becoming a better place. We just tend to notice the things that are wrong more than we notice the things that are right.

1 point

people choose to grow up and become nothing, that's irresponsible, we stopped growing when we stopped needing things.


I expected serious responses, not all that bullshit you just threw at me.

You are simply angry because nobody shares your naive, ecomentalist view of the world.

It would be nice to talk to someone who actually understands what this earth and it's people are going through.

Disagreeing with you does not make us wrong. You are like Henry Ford. "People can hold any viewpoint they want, as long as it's mine."

Not ignorant 16 year olds who think they can judge based off one paragraph.

My view is now based off of the last three paragraphs plus the original. I still think that you are an idiot.

Hell im probabley smarter then most 30 year olds

Arrogance is prevalent amongst teenagers.

obviously smarter then cherry when she says I need to get laid.

A sense of humour is as important as intelligence.

Turn on the news, and everything I just posted to you is true, all of that is really happening.

Yeah, that oil spill was an accident. If it wasn't for industrialism, we would all be peasants working the fields for turnips.

Don't run away from your reality with humor

That is in our nature.

or maybe it's just because you don't care.

Much more likely.

Whatever the matter is in your head is your problem. So don't come on my serious posts and write bullshit please.

Are you holding yourself to the same standard?


You are welcome.