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Debate Score:7
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 "This debate is private. You do not have access." ??! (4)

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JakeJ(3255) pic

"This debate is private. You do not have access." ??!

I tried to go to the debate about School Lunches but that's what it said. Not the first time this has happened. Anyone els?


Does it mean I was banned? Because it used to let you look at the debate even if you are banned. 

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4 points

You're not banned. lol. It's a private debate between two people. I don't know who it's between of anything, though.

1 point


hmicciche(660) Disputed
1 point

........................................................That's easy for you to say!........................................................

1 point

They are having debate sex and want to be alone. You have to wait for the debate orgy.