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 This doesn't sound very pious... (8)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

This doesn't sound very pious...

How the Vatican built a secret property empire using Mussolini's millions

Papacy used offshore tax havens to create £500m international portfolio, featuring real estate in UK, France and Switzerland


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The church is not doing Christians any favors ;)

joecavalry(40130) Clarified
1 point

Shouldn't we just call devout Catholics, "Cath-aholics" ;)

debatercltnc(4) Clarified
1 point

What does that statement mean? What are we addicted Please clarify that statement.

Personally, the only way i am ever affected by what the vatican does is when i have to try to explain that most catholics do not agree with the "transfers" of child molestors within the church.

1 point

The Vatican does not represent the faith properly. It is a shame.

debatercltnc(4) Clarified
1 point

Whom do you think represents the faith properly? Are you a Catholic worried that the Vatican doesn't represent Catholicism well, or are you simply sick of the Vatican generally?

Thanks for your thoughts.

debatercltnc(4) Disputed
1 point

A few questions for you:

1. Whom represents "the faith properly"?

2. If you were the pope how would you represent the faith properly?

3. How do you define a pious act?

1 point

Guys this is how you acquire land to build churches. With money.

1 point

Why dose this debate only have one option as far as sides go because I don't see anything wrong here. they bought land big frekken deal.

1 point

It takes money to run a global church. consider also how much of this money goes to the many humanitarian programs the Catholic Church is involved in all over the world