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 This is the discernment of Democrats when picking their president...... (2)

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FromWithin(8241) pic

This is the discernment of Democrats when picking their president......

Hillary was proven to be a liar in the Benghazi scandal. She outright lied to all Americans and to the faces of the family members of those murdered at the Embassy.

Hillary created her own server to read and send top secret Government emails. There could be only one reason to break all the rules and laws concerning sensitive Goverment information in the most important high level Goverment agency in America. The entire administraton had to know so why did they allow it?

Hillary supports no restriction abortions in nine states so for all you people who claim to be personally pro life, or only support 1st trimester, or extreme case abortions, how could you vote for Hillary?

Hillary has proven she is beholding to the Feminist lobbies, the planned parenthood lobbies, the pro abortion lobbies, the LGBT lobbies, the anti gun lobbies, the anti coal lobbies, the environmental lobbies, the big bank lobbies, the big government socialist lobbies, etc.
Do you actually think she will care for the middle class at all?

This is the character of the Democrat party? She is all they have to put before America?

If Americans elect this corrupt excuse of a politician, God help this land. Trump has not yet been proven to be a corrupt politician. Give him a chance and send the message to all politicians that corruption will not be tolerated. It is the ONLY way to bring back some sense of trust to our Government. If Trump turns out to be a loser, send him packing in 4 years.

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Hillary cares far more about the micdle and lower classes than does Trumpy.

And since I am also in favor of ALL those lobbies that you listed I guess this just confirms that she has my vote!