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 This is why family is so much better at raising our children then Government? (1)

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FromWithin(8241) pic

This is why family is so much better at raising our children then Government?

Have you ever wonder why the bleeding heart Democrat Party does such a terrible job with no fault anything goes Social Programs?

First of all, who loves our children more then anyone else in this world? The Parents!
So we should all take a lesson from what true love and compassion looks like when it comes to helping our children and others.

So lets look at how we raise our children and what work ethics we try to instill, and compare that with the welfare mentality of Government.

What do parents do when trying to instill good work ethics in our children? We give them chores to do, and if done, we might give them an allowance. So if your child refuses to do his chores, do you give him the allowance anyways? No, you are teaching him that there are rules in life, and that you only get paid if you work for it.

So why is it that the Democrat party and Progressives are so soft on able bodied people who refuse to find a job? The Left always screams at the Right as being hateful towards the poor whenever we expect work from able bodied people for what they are given?

Is the Left saying that parents are hateful toward their children when expecting work before getting an allowance?

It's time that Progressives, Liberals, the Democrat party grow a brain and start understanding human nature and the consequences of no fault welfare. True love and compassion does not mean being bleeding heart fools, especially with other people's money.

There is such a thing as tough love, and it has been proven to work!
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So please explain why you label the GOP as being hateful towards to poor every time they want to put restrictions on those who refuse to find a job, or welfare restrictions on drug users who refuse to quit, etc. etc.