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 Thoughts on this paragraph? (7)

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Saurbaby(5502) pic

Thoughts on this paragraph?

"What is the one true religion? Whichever religion is selected, all the other religions believe that religion is wrong. Therefore, the only universal agreement among all religions, is that they do not believe in each other. Subsequently, all religions agree with atheists, except when it comes to their own religion. Since there are over 3,000 different faith groups around the world, each religious person is 99.97% atheist toward Humanity's religions."

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3 points

Pantheism aside, I suppose you are correct. What religion you are is a matter of what religion your parents were. You would e hard pressed to find many people for whom religion has no blood or geographical corralation.

"We are all atheists about most of the gods that societies have ever believed in. Some of us just go one god further."

--The one and only Richard Dawkins.

I agree. And note that this has very serious implications on what being a theist means. If a person is a theist and believes in a specific religion (i.e he/she is a Muslim, Christian, Jew, etc.), then he/she would have to do a few things to prove that his/her faith is rational and logical to believe beyond reasonable doubt. First, he/she would have to prove, beyond reasonable doubt, that God exists. Second, he/she would have to prove, beyond reasonable doubt, that his/her specific view of God exists. To do so, he/she must disprove of every other conception of the divine and prove that every other form of theism is illogical to believe.

1 point

I agree with it. I am a Christian, but I agree with it .

coincidentally enough i have been thinking about this day and night, and now i come across a debate. Wow!! I believe that the paragraph is correct. We as children or young adults do not really have say at first about religion. We are brought up to believe in one religion, and as we strongly believe that other religions are wrong others think the same about ours. and our religion might actually be wrong, but we have been brought up with evidence and holy facts that it is just hard for us to comprehend and accept our religion being wrong. i say this as a muslim.

and so we dont really know what is right. WE DONT THINK IT IS RIGHT, WE ARE FORCED TO THINK IT IS RIGHT. that kind of negates the word, belief and religion.

1 point

So what do you believe ?

My answer was as confused as us all. I believe that most of us dont really even know

Actually im not. And i dont mean to be that guy who denies everything. But something done unintentional isnt exactly accurate. The people arent aware of this dont apply to the fact you stated. Just like caring about something. Which would be impossible unless you hear about it. Like this pencil on my desk didnt enter your mind until just now, therefore did not exist to your knowledge. You had absolutely nothing to do with it, like your theory i had nothing to do with it until i read it correct? A person can claim anything they want, christian or atheist. But until they put work into it. Its just words. You dont exactly have to spend your time attacking other religions or denying them. Believe in the son is all a christian is asked since all other rules are impossible to keep. Going about your day just simply believing and doing your daily things immediately and ultimately removes you from that 99. 97%. No matter how small the percentages, or complex the situation, some of some of it can be avoided with even the knowledge of a child... :)