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Debate Score:25
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Sitara(11075) pic

To the people who judge, are we talking about the same Jesus?

The Jesus who had mercy on the woman caught in adultery (John 7:53-8:11). The same Jesus who vandalized a Jewish temple in Jerusalem (John 2:12-17). The same Jesus who disagreed with Moses on marriage and divorce law (Matthew 19:1-12). The same Jesus who affirmed gays and eunuchs (Matthew 19:-1-12). The same Jesus who questioned religious leaders at the young age of 12 (Luke 2:39-52). The same Jesus who took on all of the religious leaders and the Roman Empire? I bet religious leaders of today would crucify Him again, and they have the nerve to judge me for being pro- freedom of belief, prohealthcare, moerately prochoice, extremely progay, and so on. If being a braindead judgemental hypocrite is what it takes to get into Heaven, Ima goin to Hell, yall.
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Atrag(5666) Banned
1 point

Oh Dana. For fucks sake.

Hellno(17724) Banned
1 point

Well said!

1 point

I would encourage you to read vs 8 again of Matt 19. What Jesus meant was that God did not intend a marriage between a man and a woman to end by divorce (but only by death). However, because we (humans) are so heartless,Moses allowed them to do that.

And yes my dear, that's the same Jesus we are all talking about. No one deserve to go to hell ... not even you. He died for our sins so that we can live for him (and we live for him by obeying His Word. It's hard but at least we give a try ... one day at a time)

Emerald(105) Clarified
1 point

In that verse also, there is no affirmation of same sex marriage by Jesus. I am very sorry but the Word of God still stands.

0 points

You're Pro-gay? What kind of Christian are you? I've yet to hear of a denomination that accepts homosexuality.

Sitara(11075) Clarified
1 point I do not believe in denominations, I believe in Christ.

TheCardinal(26) Disputed
1 point

But you believe that homosexuality is alright...