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Debate Score:32
Total Votes:33
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True Racism

Why is media focusing so much light on white on black, hispanic on black, anything on black crimes?  The first reason for any dispute between (insert race here) and african americans is being made into a battle of races.  Why is that?  I live below the mason-dixon line and personally do not know of a single person who is racist or torments another poor soul because of the color of their skin.  So why does it feel like we are reverting back into the civil war era?  Not only that, but anyone who says something about this tragedy is condemned as an "ignorant racist" by the public at large.  There is a lot of hate spinning around in America right now but who is controlling the needle and where does it fall?


Side Score: 23


Side Score: 9
2 points

Blame the fucking media .

Side: True?
1 point

Yep, they are to blame it seems.

Side: True?

Well Racism is heavy still in a lot places...

Here in Texas it's almost everywhere. I went up Oregon for awhile. There was racism in quite a few places in the central area. It's so weird I thought it would be a lot different there, but nope. They were definitely more civilized than most here in Texas, but some peoples mentality was still plagued with hints of racism. It's certain shows on television and certain things on Internet that keep racism alive.

It's careless to think that we've progressed.

Side: True?
Delta(1348) Disputed
1 point

There's not a lot of racism in Texas. .

Side: False?
Intangible(4934) Disputed
2 points

I've been all over Texas and I get around alot. I know what I am talking about.

Their are several ways to be racist that a lot of folk don't "catch".

Within the current generation racism may not be as bad. But in the older generations racism is all around. I've lived here long enough to know that. I used to be a door to door salesmen. In certain areas I could make no sales because of the high density of racism. And a lot of people are oblivious to racism because they don't know it when they see it most likely because they were not raised around it. I know many people who are like this

Side: True?
1 point

I'm sure racism is still alive and well in America although I never saw any obvious signs of it in my travels (I've done a couple of big road trips so wasn't just visiting the tourists parts) and didn't see anything obvious maybe its because I'm white and English so people might have been hiding it from the "visitor" and I obviously would not have experienced the same things you did whilst doing your sales job. What I did see though was blacks did tend to have the more menial jobs (if they were employed) whilst whites tended to have the better better jobs, for instance we stopped in a small town in Kentucky filled the car with petrol and asked for directions all the staff in the place out front working the tills and frying chicken were black but the manager out the back in an air conditioned office was white, this kind of thing I saw a lot and the majority of people I saw living in poverty were non whites. I don't know whether this was down purely to racism or a failure in the education system, maybe racism is inbuilt in the system in America and has been there so long people just don't notice it anymore.

I do agree that there is a lot of racism in American TV shows, mainly in comedies, shows like That 70's show and The Big Bang Theory both have a comedy "foreigner" in them and Last Man Standing has elements of Homophobia, Racism and Religious intolerance, part of me likes to think that they put it there to highlight the stupidity of typecasting and stereotyping people (i'm pretty sure thats the idea in That 70's Show, im not so sure about the others though).

Side: True?

I've notice this constant repetition of areas where most of the blacks live on one side of the town or city and then everyone else lives on one other side. I see this in so many places I go to. The side the blacks live on is usually run down/badder looking side". It's places like this that keep a lot of blacks down in the employment world. It's just not a good place to grow up. It's not good on the psyche at all.

And about the shows. I think they just put it in there because a lot of people see it as funny. I mean I like your idea, but from my observations most people are not gonna see it that way.

Side: True?

When I hear stuff like "white on black crimes" I just see that as another form of racism.

Why must they point out the skin color? It just so happens that two people with different skin color ended getting mad from disagreeing with each other.

Why can they not just see that they are just people?

Side: True?
1 point

Another point I agree with you on I see this a lot in the UK as well the only time someone's race or colour is of any relevance is if its a racially motivated crime, if its a robbery because one guy wanted the other guys wallet then where their from or the colour of their skin is irrelevant. Mentioning the skin colour or nationality of the participants is just another way of selling papers which to me highlights the racism still prevalent in today's society. Over here there has been an alarming rise in support for far right organisations like the BNP and EDL which I think is in part fueled by that kind of reporting in the news, we ignore racism at our peril.

Side: True?

I think alot of people are just too detail oriented and feel that they need to say every last detail to get a good story. "White cop shoots a black man! Was it because he was black?" Who tf knows stop speculating lol...Maybe they could be more creative and make up a different title idk.

I honestly can't think of a way to fix a problem. We can only ignore it it seems. It's not like any laws can be made for it. That would go against freedom of speech I presume.

Side: True?
1 point

Yeah man. Totally. The other problem is that it never works the other way around. They love to leave out color when it is black on white.

I think that they should be mentioning color, but not sensationalizing it. Like it is normal to report that the suspects are black so keep an eye out for them.

Side: True?
1 point

If the question is Does racism exist at any level?", then yes of course it does. But if the question is "Is racism the primary reason for the differences in the life outcomes of black Americans vs. other races?" Then the answer is no.

There is an old expression "When the only tool you have is a hammer, then everything starts looking like a nail". The media and government have decided that race is the hammer and that every issue regarding race is a nail. It is very sad indeed.

But race isn't the biggest factor in the differences we see in life outcomes between races. It's the culture the individual lives in. Blacks who grow up in the suburbs and come from two parent families some higher education don't show lower test scores and higher violence than other races. And whites who grow up in violent cultures with drugs and low achievement don't show higher test scores or less violence than other races.

Does this really surprise anyone?

It's hard enough to raise great kids with two parents, never mind one. When you value education, most of the time your kids will value it as well. When you show your kids how to be a good citizen by helping out at school or at local events, then they learn the same thing. Is this really contrary to your own experience?

So if it is the culture that makes the biggest difference, and not race then the question becomes "Is there true culturalism?" Yes of course there is.

And many choose not to be around people who come from a culture with more violence, drug abuse, teen pregnancy and low achievement.

The difference between racism and culturalism though, is that no one can choose their race but everyone can choose their culture. Yes it is very hard to escape from the culture of your youth, but it's the choice you have to make. There isn't any other path.

And it is the choice that our political, entertainment, spiritual and medial leaders have to push. Today they push the opposite view. Black children who work hard to do well in school are punished as acting white. Black adults who move their families away from bad neighborhoods to good neighborhoods are considered traitors.

Wanting a better life isn't a racial thing, it's a human thing. We love our children and we want them to have a better life than we did. That takes maturity and sacrifice.

Some of our ancestors made a choice and left their various homelands to travel to a country where they didn't speak the language, and where they would face discrimination. But it was still better than staying where they were to suffer as peasants for another generation.

And I say to black American's who didn't have a choice in coming here generations ago, "Make the choice today!". Make the decision that "My children will not be second class peasants!" I hope you find the strength to make all the sacrifices necessary to achieve that goal and end the second class status of your children for all of the generations to come.

Side: False?