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Oh God Yes! Nah... just kill 'em
Debate Score:19
Total Votes:19
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 Oh God Yes! (9)
 Nah... just kill 'em (3)

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Hellno(17724) pic

Ugly People Over 40, Do Their Lives have Value?

I just want to see which side iLoveVersace answers on.


Oh God Yes!

Side Score: 15

Nah... just kill 'em

Side Score: 4
2 points

I assume that ugly and over 40 can be mutually exclusive. If that is the case then I am safe. That's because I am over 40 but not ugly...well that is my personal opinion. I have compassion for anyone over 40 so yeah, I think they have value.

Side: Oh God Yes!
2 points

The question has validity because it's something on your mind.but if you're ugly or pretty and over 40 that's a personal question to ask yourself.value depends on the who,what ,when why and how that makes you happy in life

Side: Oh God Yes!
2 points

I'm sure there are plenty who do not. But that doesn't have much to do with either their age or "attractiveness". Your best value is that which you create, not how lucky you got in the crap shoot that is life.

Side: Oh God Yes!

Take Bill Gates for an example. I highly doubt he cries himself to sleep every night wishing his life had value.

Side: Oh God Yes!

What should we do? Start a genocide of "Ugly People Over 40?"

Side: Oh God Yes!
1 point

Well... if we do I think iLoveVersace would be willing to start it up.

Side: Oh God Yes!

Mmmmm. Well, I mean the way I see it is that of you are very attractive and over 40 then your life may have more value than a non-attractive person in their 40's.

Side: Nah... just kill 'em
1 point

But how valuable is attractiveness over 40? How do the most attractive 40 year olds measure up compared to 'average' in mid-20s? If they beat that out, how do they measure up compared to the most attractive 20 somethings?

I posit that personal attractiveness is a much smaller proportion of ones total value in their 40s than it is in their 20s. So by extension, if ugly people over 40 are less valued than attractive people over 40, then ugly people in their 20s are even less valuable. Extend it further to babies; lacking developed personalities, skills, speech, and anything meaningful other than simply being cute, wouldn't an ugly baby be entirely without value?

It would seem that ugly people appreciate in value as they age, whereas attractive people depreciate in value. Or, maybe, a persons 'value' has little or nothing to do with how attractive they are, except insofar as mating is concerned. Even then, nobody's standard is as high as they claim it is.

Side: Oh God Yes!
1 point

But how valuable is attractiveness over 40?

What scale are we using?

How do the most attractive 40 year olds measure up compared to 'average' in mid-20s? If they beat that out, how do they measure up compared to the most attractive 20 somethings?

That is irrelevant. Only 40's are counted here. Others are not prompted.

I posit that personal attractiveness is a much smaller proportion of ones total value in their 40s than it is in their 20s. So by extension, if ugly people over 40 are less valued than attractive people over 40, then ugly people in their 20s are even less valuable. Extend it further to babies; lacking developed personalities, skills, speech, and anything meaningful other than simply being cute, wouldn't an ugly baby be entirely without value?

Again, all other ages are irrelevant. I am only mentioning people im their 40's.

Side: Nah... just kill 'em