
Debate Info

Hitler Gandhi
Debate Score:19
Total Votes:21
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 Hitler (7)
 Gandhi (9)

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alstars(739) pic

WHo is the best- Gandhiji vs Hitler


Side Score: 9


Side Score: 10
1 point

Oh yeah, the hero of heroes@ germany!

he was the one who developed Germany economically and made it one of the super powers in Europe.

till now, the German are powerful and are economical kings.

Side: Hitler
1 point

Gandhi's advent was not long lasting in India- he wanted truth and non violence tto be imprinted in india

but instead, the non violence is almost extinct in india.

as for the truth, that has been totally forgotten

Side: Hitler
1 point

Yeah, friend, Actually, when British was in India, the people's position was not as bad as that of German.

after all, Gandhi did not improve India in economy.

But Hitler was the one who did this great thing.

by the end of the second world war also, German had enough money to eat for 2 generations!

Side: Hitler
1 point

I dunno guys, considering Hitler's war-crimes and the amount of people that were killed because of him is pretty massive, Gandhi would have to rise from the dead and step his game the hell up to match Hitler's death toll with a good deed toll.

Side: Hitler
1 point

Actually uno what I wish Gandhi did a Hitler. Imagine hitler in a much bigger scale of 1billion people.. LOL. Wouldn't stand a chance. And there wouldn't be no taliban and 9/11 wouldn't have happened cause they would be dead. There are plus sides you kno!

Side: Hitler
1 point

hitler was the one determined man who improved war losen germany condition........weimar republic,socialist,democratics,could none prove relaxing..........definetely hitler kileed at that time but still he was a past but gandhijis division of india is still causing many poor one 22 die......

Side: Hitler
2 points

Non-violence(Satyagraha) definitely does not mean making peace but it means fighting bravely and sincerely for truth and doing what is just. Every fight comes with a sacrifice and loss but a satyagrahi (soldier of civil disobedience) must always go on. This is what India believes in. Thanks to Gandhi, India is known as the country having the world's largest democracy.

Beat it but Gandhi brought India freedom from the British with just non-violence. "The Holocaust" brought bloodshed to the world and the title of a 'supervillan' to Hitler whereas following the path of non-violence made Gandhi the "Mahatma"(Great person) and brought India its freedom and the world a new outlook altogether.

The doctrine of Satyagraha works on the principle that you make the so called enemy see and realize the injustice he is engaged in. It can work only when you believe in God and the goodness of the people to see that they are wrong. Yes, a true Indian still believes in the same principles and follows the same.

Now before we take this debate forward, ask yourself whom would you like to be reborn? Gandhi or Hitler? The answer shall prevail.

Side: Gandhi
alstars(739) Disputed
2 points

I understand, But his emphasis is no longer implemented in its own origin!

Any mass moment starts as a normal NON VIOLENT procession, but it eventually, turns to be a violent one.

Gandhi's advent couldn't be followed by indians.

But Germany has followed its leade and is economical leader in many aspects

Side: Hitler
NVYN(289) Disputed
1 point

Don't just judge a leader in his best, but consider his entire contribution to society. Hitler actually brought Germany to its knees in the end, a completely ruined society that was split in 2 for decades. A people once proud was shamed and defenseless at the end of WW2. Anything good that Germany achieves after WW2 is not the work of the dead madman.

Ghandi on the other hand? I don't know much about him, but India certainly wasn't ruined by him.

Side: Gandhi
1 point

I think I would like Gandhi reborn. Not because of everything he's done but because I want him to see the future he created for India and whether or not he thinks it's worth it. I would also love to hear his philosophy in person rather than extracts...

Side: Gandhi

Long Live Gandhiji!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Side: Gandhi
1 point

The violence can never win over non violence... Gandhiji approach to tackle the problem with non violence was greater than hitlers missile...

Side: Gandhi
1 point

gandhi was an hypocrite but hitler wasn't being a cruel person is better than being a hypocrite

Side: Hitler
NVYN(289) Disputed
1 point

Can you bring some examples? The debate is about who is best, so shouldn't you consider more facets of the leaders concerned rather than simply judge them on 1 single point (hypocrisy)?

Side: Gandhi
1 point

Peaceful leader of India versus one of the most evil people alive. Why is this a discussion?

Side: Gandhi