
Debate Info

yes Bernie got beat fair n square
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 yes (2)
 Bernie got beat fair n square (1)

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BobbleofWant(24) pic

Was Bernie Sanders undemocratically thwarted by Hillary Clinton's corruption?

Hillary Clinton is very connected in the deep state and she was the biggest establishment conformist and special interest shill in the election. So naturally she was the one who was "supposed" to win. Hillary is basically center-right and not even a real democrat and flip flops on every issue in perfect accordance with the polls. She is nothing but a giant power hungry deep state/corporate/wallstreet shill.


Side Score: 2

Bernie got beat fair n square

Side Score: 1
1 point

Hillary Clinton's record of lying is demonstrably MUCH LESS than Donald Trump's, so obviously you are a hypocrite and we should simply ignore everything you say.

A fact checker looked into 158 things Donald Trump said. 78 percent were false wp/2016/07/01/donald-trump-has-been-wrong-way-more-often-than-all-the-other-2016-candidates-combined/?&utm_term=.3e0d86e28c1c

Side: Bernie got beat fair n square
BobbleofWant(24) Disputed
1 point

Hillary Clinton's record of lying is demonstrably MUCH LESS than Donald Trump's, so obviously you are a hypocrite and we should simply ignore everything you say.

Dude, hold your horses. I never said she was more of a liar than Trump, I said she was the biggest establishment shill and the one that wallstreet and the deep stated wanted for president.

Side: yes