
Debate Info

Yes, he is right No,he should takeback his word
Debate Score:11
Total Votes:14
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 Yes, he is right (3)
 No,he should takeback his word (4)

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Jits(13) pic

Was Bush right saying that the Indian middleclass people are responsible for the inflation

What do you say?

Yes, he is right

Side Score: 6

No,he should takeback his word

Side Score: 5
0 points

I didn't know he said that, but I found a link about the story. That's basic supply and demand. If millions of people suddenly have enough money to buy rice and food, then the demand will go up, and the price should go up with the demand. It's probably not completely responsible for the change, but it's a piece. Rising ethanol prices mean corn price has gone up too, so people switch to rice, which is just more demand.

Supporting Evidence: indian middle class responsible (
Side: Yes, he is right
1 point

That is kind of a ridiculous assertion considering the fall of the US dollar coupled with the oil bubble and the lousy Iraq War. I'd like to see him provide causal evidence if he's going to throw out statements like that.

Side: No,he should takeback his word
3 points

I did not realize that i was saying bush was right. He is wrong and should take it back.

Yes evidence would be nice, but could we even trust it?

Yes the Indian middle class is rising but they aren't solely responsible for inflation.

Ethanol for "alternative" fuel is raising the prices of food as more and more land is taken away from corn for food. Also America imports large quantities of food in huge surpluses that it doesn't need.

Bush is just trying to force blame away from his policies that have had a greater impact on inflation and the worldwide increased costs of foods and dairy products.

We aren't suffering terribly yet but much of the third world is.

Side: Yes, he is right
1 point

Bush is just trying to hide his faults and entirely putting the blame on inida

Side: No,he should takeback his word
1 point

Mr. Debateman! I was correct about that SUV estimate, you can check out this webpage for an evidence.

I know that the indian middle class are not solely to blame, but Mr. Bush said it in such a way.

Side: No,he should takeback his word
0 points

Bush is absolutely wrong. The indian middle class people are much aware about obesity and savings. They do not eat much and neither they spend much on expensive goods. The thing is that they are just high in number. Moreover, If bush thinks that the inflation rates should be stabilized, then he should ban all the SUVs in his country. The fuel required for each of the SUVs in America require 204 kg of eatable crops, according to internet.

Side: No,he should takeback his word
DebateMan(471) Disputed
2 points

What do you mean, "The fuel required for each of the SUVs in America require 204 kg of eatable crops, according to internet." Are you talking about SUVs that run on ethanol / flex fuel?

I don't think that the Indian middle class are solely to blame for inflation, but I do believe that the increase in demand from the emerging middle class in India is partly to blame. Of course there are so many other factors that it's just plain stupid to try to pin it on one group of people who are just trying to get a decent bite to eat. Of course I expect nothing less from our fearless leader good ole W.

Side: Yes, he is right