
Debate Info

Yeah, that's just wrong No, she did her civic duty
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 No, she did her civic duty (2)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

Was Lucia Whalen wrong in notifying Cambridge police that two men broke into a home?

According to news reports, Lucia Whalen has been threatened in the days following the police response to her 911 call that resulted in the arrest of Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates.

Should Henry Louis Gates thank Lucia Whalen for making that call?  Would you thank a neighbor for reporting suspecious activity in your home?  Even if you end up being arrested?

NOTE:  this debate is not about Gates and the Officers.  I wasn't there.  I don't know what transpired so I can't say who's right or who's wrong.  This is about a neighbor who did what she thought was the right thing and things got ugly (not her fault things got ugly.  Her involvement ended when the call ended.) and now she's being threatened.

Yeah, that's just wrong

Side Score: 0

No, she did her civic duty

Side Score: 3
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I just don't understand why some people just don't take the time to think things through and chose instead to give in to their emotions.

Side: No, she did her civic duty
1 point

It was unclear to her as to whether Gates lived there or was breaking in. If it were a break-in, she would have a duty to report the event to the police.

Side: No, she did her civic duty