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Was the Boston Tea Party an insurrection


Side Score: 4


Side Score: 4
1 point

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1 point

Was the Boston Tea Party an insurrection

Hello G:

By itself, no. An insurrection isn't broken up into parts that WERE insurrection, and parts than WEREN'T. By itself, the Boston Tea Party was a violent mob bent on looting the local bodega. Was it a patriotic event? Depends on who's doing the reporting..

Should black people ever take over the US by insurrection, the BLM movement will be considered pivotal to their cause, and very patriotic.


Side: No
BrontoLite(759) Disputed
1 point

Should black people ever take over the US by insurrection, the BLM movement will be considered pivotal to their cause, and very patriotic.

Cool. You condemn Communism while carrying water for a group that claim to be Communists openly. Oh well. You feel libby, and that's what matters, eh Con?

Side: Yes
excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

Cool. You condemn Communism while carrying water for a group that claim to be Communists openly.

Hello Bront:

Dude.. There's plenty out there to argue about, so you don't have to make up shit. Plus, it would help if you understood the Kings English. Or do you deliberately lie?

(1) In context, I used the word "should", the same as if I used the word "if".. If you understood English, you'd understand that NONE of what I said indicated that I BELIEVE in BLM, or that I carry water for them..

(2) Black Lives Matter was founded by community organizers. One of the three co-founders said in 2015 that she and another co-founder “are trained Marxists.” In spite of the founders politics, Black Lives Matter has grown into a national anti-racism movement broadly supported by Americans, few of whom would identify themselves as Marxist.

Yeah, I know.. The truth must be like a wet blanket for you..



Side: No
LigiaOzimek(7) Disputed
0 points

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Side: No
1 point

I can see where your trying to go with this.

If the Boston Tea Party was not an insurrection, then neither was the Capitol Hill incident.

But if this is your strategy then I would point out that you're not comparing like with like.

The Boston Tea Party was a violent demonstration by the so called, Sons of Liberty.

The ships were American and the tea was from China, not India, and had nothing to do with the King Of England.

The Boston Tea Party did not incite revolution.

THe protest was for a number of reasons including the one contained in the famous quote, ''no taxation without representation'' but also against the presence of the military of a foreign nation.

Side: No
LigiaOzimek(7) Clarified
1 point

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Side: Yes