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PorksNBeans(80) pic

Was the Revolution against Britain an insurrection


Side Score: 1


Side Score: 1
1 point

Was the Revolution against Britain an insurrection

Hello Pork:

Yes. It was our good fortune that it succeeded.

Was the January 6th riot an insurrection? Yes. It was our good fortune that it failed.


Side: Yes
1 point

Whilst the two words are usually linked and assumed to have the same meaning I feel that there is a subtle difference between them.

In my interpretation an insurrection is an uprising against an administration and the national armed forces of a country in which the seat of established government is based.

Insurgents may, or may not enjoy the support of the population of the country which they hope to seize by force.

However, the popular uprising of the citizens and its militia armies of a country which is occupied by a foreign power can only be described as a Rebellion.

So, I say The American Revolution was not an insurrection, but a gallant rebellious thrust against the occupying forces of the leading military power of the time.

Side: No