
Debate Info

No, stupid, per usual. Yes, it makes me feel safe.
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:5
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 No, stupid, per usual. (2)
 Yes, it makes me feel safe. (1)

Debate Creator

johnbonham32(2429) pic

Was the building of the 2 billion dollar fence along the border of Mexico a good decision?

No, stupid, per usual.

Side Score: 2

Yes, it makes me feel safe.

Side Score: 1

Hi John! I've been looking around the Internet and cannot find anything that backs your figure of 2 billion and how much fence that bought! Can you back this up with a URL or two?

Side: No, stupid, per usual.
0 points

Why don't they invest that 2 billion dollars into research of a force field and then later, invest in a force field fence ?

Side: No, stupid, per usual.

And it gives something for the locals to graffiti.

Side: Yes, it makes me feel safe.