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Debate Score:22
Total Votes:22
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 Yes (17)
 No (5)

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token_nigga(100) pic

We should all draw a Christmas hat on our picture


Side Score: 17


Side Score: 5
1 point

As far as I know, only Hellno, Akulakhan, and I have done that thus far, so yes, yes you should. :)

Side: Yes
Delta(1348) Disputed
1 point

What the fu k; man i was the 2 person to get the hat. ............. ...

Side: No
1 point

Again: As far as I know

Obviously, I didn't notice.

Side: No
1 point

Yes, I am into that idea...I will do it tonight!

Merry Christmas!

Side: Yes

how do i do that??????????????????????????????????????????????????

Side: Yes

I have no idea too o__o.... well...

Side: Yes

also how do you type words while going under the 50 character limit?

Side: Yes
1 point

Make that two.

Side: Yes

not bad facadeon I look how you put both christmas hats on your faces :3

Side: Yes
1 point

Yeah! I'll do it! :D (Well if I can work photoshop) :P.............................

Side: Yes
1 point

I was going to say no but then I caved. I figured a santa hat would be appropriate for this guy. Considering he has iced claws (Not pictured).

Side: Yes
1 point

I will do the switch once I figure out how to do that. Someone please tell me

Side: Yes

Who here is on an iPad? Or a computer?......................................

Side: Yes
1 point

Not me man! I'm still using an abacus! Damn I need to upgrade!

Side: Yes
1 point

Why a Christmas hat? The idea of everyone having a similar picture is slightly repetitive and boring if you ask me.

Side: No
Liamh96(4) Clarified
2 points

Why not suggest such an idea of a picture that comes under a general Christmas theme? That way it would offer people a chance to become creative, and possibly, competitive.

Side: Yes

true true


Side: No

No, don't really want to take the time, feel free to do so.-----------------

Side: No