
Debate Info

True. What load of happy horse sh!t.
Debate Score:9
Total Votes:9
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 True. (1)
 What load of happy horse sh!t. (4)

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joecavalry(40131) pic

We suffer in this life because we are constantly remaking ourselves.


Side Score: 2

What load of happy horse sh!t.

Side Score: 7
2 points

Every action that we take, or inaction has a cost as well as a profit. If I chose to be a soldier, obviously I am going to "suffer" with rigorous training, (brain washing), discipline etc, if I chose to be a scientist, I am going to "suffer" through countless hours I spend researching, if I chose to be an artist I will suffer the countless hours I spend practicing, etc. If I chose to be nothing, my profit is having no cost (other than the cost of having no other profit), and my cost is having no profit (other than the profit of having no other costs).

Side: True.
4 points

We suffer because we and everything around us is finite. Everything breaks down. Nothing we love and work for is guaranteed to last and a heck of a lot of it will be taken from us. We suffer because we always want more. It has nothing to do with remaking ourselves. Failing to remake yourself would lead to suffering too. We suffer because we are, and its not good enough for most of us to just be ecstatic about the fact that we got to live and have what moments of joy were offered to us.

And all of that is okay.

Side: What load of happy horse sh!t.

Nothing we love and work for is guaranteed to last

I guess someone forgot to tell the Egyptians that when they built the pyramids ;)

Side: What load of happy horse sh!t.

Nothing we love and work for is guaranteed to last

I guess someone forgot to tell the late Jesus Christ that when he built and left us his legacy ;)

Side: What load of happy horse sh!t.

No, we suffer because we fail !

Side: What load of happy horse sh!t.