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Cuaroc(8829) pic

What Makes Christianity and the bible supierior then any other religion?

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3 points

What makes Islam and the Quran superior to those of any other religion for those who follow Islam and believe in the text of the Quran? Personal belief. Can't believe in every one, and most people seem to want to believe in one, so some choose Christianity, and some choose Islam, and others choose Hinduism, and many others choose any of the many other religions.

MRM777(9) Disputed
0 points

Yes there are a lot of religions out there but Christianity is not a religion it is a relationship with Jesus Christ who is the Son Of God. Why is the bible superior because what book do archeologist go to find artifact and civilizations were they used to be, The BIBLE. What book predicted the order of world power? The Bible. It predicted the kingdoms of the Medes and the Persians, Babylonian empire, the Roman empire, and the revived roman empire which today is currently the EU. NO other religion predicted this. Which country is the greatest USA and what book did they use to go by to build there country, yes you guess it, the BIBLE. Look at all the countries that followed a different religion. The Middle East mostly is Islam and most of the people are not free, like America is. If you don't think so look at the women in American, they can vote, wear what ever they want, can speak their mind, can be a boss over men, and even own there own companies which is unheard of in the Islamic countries.

Cuaroc(8829) Disputed
1 point

Christianity is not a religion

Yes it is. a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs. Christianity fits perfect under that definition.

Guess were Christianity started? Thats right the middle-east and look at its current condition.

2 points

Christianity is not superior, not one belief is better than any other it is personal belief

1 point

While I haven't experienced other religions, I have spoken to those who have converted from other religions to Christianity. From what I gather Jesus is the only one who ressurected whereas Muhammad and Buddha (etc.) are all dead.

Plus there's other reaons peopl ehave said such as expereince is better and they "feel" their beliefe more, but something tells me the atheists on CD won't find those reasons plausible.

Emperor(1340) Disputed
1 point

Yes, but Thor was the only one to slay the frost giants.

And Buddha was the only one to attain enlightenment.

Marduk was the only one who slew the dragon of chaos, Tiamat and created the universe.

There are a lot of "The only one", but that doesn't mean it is best.

It is just the most realistic in a world where the supernatural is being replaced by working explanations.

Yet, it is not realistic enough when you are a creationist. Then it once again goes back to ancient times of superstition and demons.

Your god is nothing more than a god of the gaps.

Your Jesus is nothing more than a security blanket for those who fear death.

'Superior' seems to be a really vague way to describe an abstract like Christianity and Religion. Sure, it has the most followers and had the biggest impact on the world by quite some way, but that doesn't mean to say it's any better than Taoism, Paganism or even Jediism.

I think it is just that it was lucky. It's lucky that it happened to fall into the hands of some of the most influential people in history.

1 point

There are a number of actual witnesses to Christ and His miracles. Most other religions have one man without any witnesses....

Cuaroc(8829) Disputed
1 point

There are a number of actual witnesses to Christ and His miracles. Most other religions have one man without any witnesses....

does anything outside the bible support that claim?

1 point

Isn't it obvious? Faith is the driving force in Christianity

A person believes what he or she wants to believe. If a Christian feels that his Religion is superior, then he will feel confident about himself.

0 points

It is the true religion.

FleshEaterUK(34) Clarified
1 point

Elaborate. (I have to use a minimum of 50 characters so ignore the text in these brackets)