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Tcool444(4) pic

What are your opinions on the State of Jefferson?

I believe that the State of Jefferson is a necessity for the people of Northern California. Our representatives practically have to choose a side when arguing in Washington. The state of Jefferson would boost our economy. Furthermore, the majority of people who talk about California are only talking about the Southern part.

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1 point

The State of Jefferson would mean a 51-star flag and more Congressmen, definitely.

Unless of course, another state is created before Jefferson is.

Tcool444(4) Disputed
1 point

Yes. You are right. Lets have some reason though. A 51 star flag would cause a minor inconvenience on a massive scale, but there needs to be a change. If that is really all that we are worried about, then there is a problem. There used to be a system in a store my Dad lived by where they put security chips in all items. When you rolled your basket under it, your total was displayed. The only reason that it did not become revolutionary is because your groceries did not get bagged. A minor inconvenience with a simple and temporary solution. That mistake has been made too many times in the past.