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RSS Hamandpork

Reward Points:41
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10 most recent arguments.
3 points

So this is where CreateDebate is going to... in the least, I can earn more points.

2 points

Law enforcement officers should have a firearm of some kind, most preferably a handgun, because it would be helpful in their line of work.

For example, if an armed convict is on the loose, the police should be able to take down the criminal as quickly as they can before the convict can fire any shots. The concept of self-defense and preventing bystanders' deaths is something that is encouraged.

Another instance where any type of firearm would be useful is in preventing a crime or quelling a riot. Just by seeing the gun or hearing it fire, people will tend to act differently than normal, and may stop what they are doing. People become controllable if a gun is pointed towards them, but it does not have to be fired.

I also like guns, so I support the people that deserve to use them.

1 point

Obama, in my opinion and many others', is doing a generally poor job at running the United States. One of the best things he could run for was being elected.

I'm glad that his first term of office is at an end; maybe a better president can be elected.

4 points

The definition of science is...

Learning and understanding the world around us, assuming all things have a natural cause or reason.

By definition, science will never be able to prove that God is non-existent. If you say that God is false, there is no evidence to support that claim. God is supernatural, so he can't be experimented for.

1 point

A lot of these stories have science to support them, so why couldn't they happen? The following text is only for those with an open mind. My sources are spread, and I can't put them here (at least not yet) because of that.

First of all, Noah's Ark was claimed to have rested on Mt. Ararat in modern day Turkey, and what did scientists find there? Surveys discovered water erosion on top of the mountain, proving that water did flow over Ararat about thousands of years ago. They also discovered ancient planks of wood that have been affected by sea water; possibly the remains of the Ark.

Another story is about a prophet named Jonah, who was swallowed by what was agreed to be a sperm whale. There have been multiple accounts, even in modern times, of sailors being swallowed, and luckily rescued from sperm whales.

There is also the story of Adam and Eve. The very first civilizations in the world sprung up from around the Garden of Eden, which the Bible cares to explain where it was. Some scientists think they found out where Eden was, but you can't be sure...

A fourth occasion is when God destroys the perverse people of Sodom and Gomorrah, using fire from the Heavens. Scientist again make an investigation. The ruins of two large cities was discovered, and strangely to them, it seemed that the cities were large and thriving, then were suddenly wiped out. Samples of compounds such as sulfur show that the cities were definitely burned and destroyed, but not through torching. It is thought to may have been a 'meteorite shower' that 'coincidently' took place only where the two cities were.

Then, of course, there is Jesus to type about. Historical records make it clear that he did indeed exist, so lets keep that in mind. I'll let someone else type about him and the evidence that supports the good things he did.

I know there's more proof, but my studies of the Bible are still incomplete, so that's all the evidence I'll type for now.

Hope it helps clear things up.

1 point

The State of Jefferson would mean a 51-star flag and more Congressmen, definitely.

Unless of course, another state is created before Jefferson is.

4 points

I know 'Srom1883' personally, and I don't know many people more devoted to Christ than he is(for his age group). He is definitely a Christian because of the way he acts. I can specify more if you need to, but not too much.

I hope that's the Srom that you were typing about.

1 point

You would be burned nearly instantly, so maybe you might survive for less than a nanosecond. This is if considering if you teleport into the sun (idiotic, but you could try it if you have the tech.); it is estimated that you would die before getting within 1.3 million miles of our Sun with the best technology available today.

1 point

LOL is a term, and dictionaries are supposed to explain terms. Therefore, LOL should be in a dictionary. There's no reason why it shouldn't be...if it is not already. It can fit under the section Abbreviations.

1 point

If you aren't going to debate here, can you spend your time elsewhere? I would like to debate with you, but that would require you to explain yourself, and what your argument is for YOUR side of the debate that YOU'RE supporting. There's a reason why this is called CreateDebate.

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About Me

Biographical Information
Gender: Dude
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Republican
Country: United States

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