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 What could be the benefits/gains after/of dying? (10)

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monstrasitix(269) pic

What could be the benefits/gains after/of dying?

Don't go saying that dying is a horrible thing to happen, surely it is. But I'm interested in the positives of dying. - Death in any possible way e.g. Aging, Decapitation, Substance abuse, Suicide, AIDS etc. The way of dying doesn't matter unless... There is a benefit for you that your most hated neighbor died by syphilis. - You get me anyway. The question is controversial since by morality death is a bad way of "Living." - Try to think in reverse to see the good in bad.

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If you're the kind of person that likes to sleep in for hours on end, you're set ;)

2 points

You don't have to tolerate bullshit from the government. Or bullshit in general.

1 point

Okay... so my doc tells me I got just a few days to live... so I kill myself and frame the man who had sex with my wife for my murder.

You won't have to fill out a tax form ever again. ;)

You won't have to get up early to go to work ;)

You hardly can realize what is most important things in your life 'till you loose these valuables. And by loosing your life you evoke thoughts of rebuilding your past, and the will to spend your life with these valuables and needs. Needs of loving and feeling, tasting and experiencing, fighting and dominant pride - But you're dead.

One benefit... One idiot less. - And the saddest thing is that each dead man gets replaced by a newborn who follows one's mistakes. Because that's what humans are, a perfect example of greed and selfishness. - But one quote which evokes the feeling of challenge and fighting against my needs is "Light a candle for the sinners. Set the world on fire."

First of don't die, your vessel just dies.


You keep all of your abilities, but you lose some of your memory.

Every time you die your abilities will carry over and "stack up", which means that you will get stronger and stronger each time, but that's assuming you didn't badly containment your brains chemicals.


1 point

Stack up into what? Once your die, or your vessels, still dead means dead. And then your body gets buried, mostly you do but you know, shit happens. And that body will stay there until Earth's pressure squashes you and turns into a fossil fuel. - You believe in after life. But still, how something can transfer from a dead corpse to a newborn baby?

1 point

In ways death can mean the end to your pain so if someone hates there life or has a very painful incurable disease death would be a benefit as it would take out that pain.