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A clown show Spot on PROOF that Trump WON
Debate Score:2
Total Votes:2
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 A clown show (1)
 Spot on PROOF that Trump WON (1)

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excon(18261) pic

What do you call the Arizona Cyber Ninja audit?

A clown show

Side Score: 1

Spot on PROOF that Trump WON

Side Score: 1
1 point

What do you call the Arizona Cyber Ninja audit?

The same thing I call hearings the Democrats in Congress create. A chance to create a stir, get some attention, and prove that they are all complete fucking morons. I see it both ways because I'm objective. You get a hard-on when the shit show leans left because you have no objective purpose in life due to having no actual beliefs or nonfictional purpose of any kind. You fill that void with as much trash as you can but never get full, so you look for some imaginary, invisible left wing enemy that you've imagined in your mind and that the Democrat Party propoganda machine posing as media has narrated to you. You fully ignore that you've never met in person a horde of toothless, uneducated white supremacist dickheads in your life, and neither have I.

This allows you to rationalize your bigotted and intollerant beliefs towards half of the country while pretending tollerance towards those who agree with you is actually tollerance. It totally explains why you are still in an uproar that a group of unarmed people went into a building and killed no one, nor did they fire upon anyone while you can easily ignore a mass of riots where many people were killed, the damage was in the billions, and it was only in left wing cities without a single right winger present. You simply need to identify the person's politics to decide if their actions are stupid. Once you see they wear your same badge, you can support even the most sickening of actions while condemning petty nonsense from anyone not wearing your badge. People with actual beliefs and principles see that Antifa blocking highways, taking over city blocks, and trying to set federal buildings on fire is psychopathic and that the "capitol riot" and vote recounts a year later are stupid. I'd love for you to join any crowd that has principles, but that'll never happen to someone who is more concerned about Nancy Pelosi getting her next cocktail than his own son's freedom of speech.

Side: A clown show
excon(18261) Disputed
1 point

You fully ignore that you've never met IN PERSON a horde of toothless, uneducated white supremacist dickheads in your life, and neither have I.

Hello bront:

So, I have to meet a white supremacist IN PERSON in order to grasp that he's a WHITE SUPREMACIST???? Dude! Does that mean the one I met ONLINE, right here, on this very website doesn't count??

Could it be that the ONLY reason you DON'T wanna count him is because you SUPPORT his racist ways??? And, how do you know he ain't got no teeth, anyway??



Side: Spot on PROOF that Trump WON
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