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 What do you think of Eton College? (2)

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Micmacmoc(2260) pic

What do you think of Eton College?

Eton College is a very famous school next to Windsor, England. It was founded by Henry VI for a school for 70 poor scholars, however it has grown from that. Nowadays there are approximately 1350 students attending, all boarding. The 70 scholars remain, although they are not necessarily poor. Those in the rest of the town are known as Oppidans, derived from the Latin meaning 'townies'. 


19 English Prime Ministers attended, as well as memorable faces such as Hugh Laurie, Boris Johnson, George Orwell, etc. 


The fees to attend are over £30000 per year, and there are, of course, additional costs, meaning that not all people can even attend. It has therefore been seen as elitist and unfair, but at the same time, the NFS (New Foundation Scholarship) programme should not be overlooked. The programme is especially designed for students from state schools. 




For more information please regard the following websites:


I am fairly familiar with information about the school, and would be happy to answer any questions. 



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I think that it is a school that provides opportunities, and that is the purpose of a school. Is there anything wrong with that? Their rowing lake is being used for the 2012 Olympics and this is just one of the many things the school has to help awe it's students and grant them passage to a life in the future.

Is it elitist? With such high prices that would be difficult to avoid, but they do their best to grant scholarships and help to those people who need it.

I respect Eton College for its proud history and it is a school for the higher echelon of academia.