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Debate Score:10
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dacey(1040) pic

What is false worship?



In your oppinion , not a bibles , what is false worship?

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False worship would be to something like money or a big stereo system.

1 point

If you only pretend to worship a deity you don't really believe in.

Side: if you fake it
1 point

An intentionally deceptive British magistrate?

Anyways, here is a story about False Worship.

A nun who was searching for enlightenment made a statue of Buddha and covered it with gold leaf. Wherever she went she carried this golden Buddha with her. The nun came to live in a small temple in a country where there were many Buddhas, each one with its own particular shrine.

The nun liked to burn incense before her golden Buddha but did not like the idea of the perfume straying to the others statues. She made a funnel which directed the incense smoke to her statue only. The nose of the golden Buddha soon became black with smoke, making it especially ugly.

Hey, did you know that if you idolize a British judge, that's called Worship worship?

Side: Black-nosed Buddha
1 point


That is amusing.

Side: Black-nosed Buddha
hmicciche(660) Disputed
1 point

I try.

Some days I'm more trying than others.

Side: Black-nosed Buddha
1 point

saying you believe in something or belonging to a certain religious group to deceive or please someone.

Side: Black-nosed Buddha