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 What is more popular than the Tea Party? Socialism! (17)

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Hadrian(483) pic

What is more popular than the Tea Party? Socialism!

The Tea Party movement is viewed favorably by only a third of Americans.

Overall, 36% percent of Americans have a positive image of socialism.

It is all those damn liberals, right? Well no. 39% of moderates say their image of socialism is positive.

There you have it. More American's choose Socialism over freedom.

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2 points

So 36% of the people polled say they have an image more positive about socialism than of the Tea Party movement - out of how many people? It was only the people involved in the poll - if you gathered up every human in the USA, the numbers would probably be a great deal different.

I have a positive image of socialism, so do many people that I know. However, they, as well as me, realize that it would hypothetically work - but that it would be very difficult, if not nigh impossible, to get it work.

Hadrian(483) Disputed
1 point

"So 3% of the people polled say they have a positive image of socialism"

It's 36% percent of Americans.

"It was only the people involved in the poll - if you gathered up every human in the USA, the numbers would probably be a great deal different."

Facts are significant in a debate, not conjecture.

Go to the poll page (link below), scroll down to the bottom, read the section on Survey Methods and review the research methodology. I'd like to hear exactly how it is at fault. Note this was a Gallup poll. These folks are experienced and know how many people constitute a is a valid sample. Are they wrong?

Supporting Evidence: See section on Survey Methods (
Side: Facts not conjecture
1 point

972 adults? That is not enough people to say for certain that 36% of Americans believe in it. What were the age groups? I'm quite positive that the people 50+ would have a worse view of socialism than those in the 18-35 year range. The former age group lived through the so-called 'Cold War'.

Regarding where I wrote '3%' it was a typo.

Statistics are not facts, nor are facts always facts.

"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as much as you please."

"Facts are stubborn things, statistics are more pliable."

Mark Twain.

Side: Facts not conjecture

Tea Party is ridiculous. Less Taxes. Yeah, it is a series of protests, but there is a party that already exists of less tax and government, Libertarianism.

Why do more chose socialism over capitalism and freedom?

Are you a socialist?

Side: Facts not conjecture
1 point

"Exactly how Americans define "socialism" or what exactly they think of when they hear the word is not known. The research simply measures Americans' reactions when a survey interviewer reads the word to them -- an exercise that helps shed light on connotations associated with this frequently used term."

The person asking the questions simple said the word "socialism" and 36% of the people responded with "yeah so" and that was a positive response.

Side: Facts not conjecture
Hadrian(483) Disputed
1 point

Yes, and exactly how Americans define "the Tea Party" or what exactly they think of when they hear the phrase is not known.

Side: Facts not conjecture
1 point

Hmm, seems to me that the vast majority of the people in this country do not understand the concept of socialism, do not care to know and, therefore, cannot possibly offer an informed opinion of it.

What this poll shows is that Americans are more apathetic than anything and will likely agree with anything you say just to get off the phone and watch more reality televison programming.

Side: Facts not conjecture
1 point

Ya sure, whatever. Sorry, can you repeat the question? The TV was too loud.

Side: Facts not conjecture

because people have a positive thought of many things they think are socialist like:



the military




the VA

Social Security

Food Stamps


people using "socialism" as a pejorative against programs that are now popular like Medicare contributes to raising it popularity

Side: false outrage

and on the other side - average people don't have a clear, concise, well-articulated position on a finite set of issues that the tea-party stands for. The protesters that are the most outrageous are typically the ones that get news coverage.

Side: false outrage
0 points

Good job copying and pasting all of hmicciche's past debates. Socialism#arg88908

"Exactly how Americans define "socialism" or what exactly they think of when they hear the word is not known. The research simply measures Americans' reactions when a survey interviewer reads the word to them -- an exercise that helps shed light on connotations associated with this frequently used term."

This right here makes me question the results of this poll. Though while 39% of moderates said they had a positive view of socialism it is also important to note that 20% of Conservatives also had a positive view of socialism.

A few percentages I could understand but 20% is just too high to be normal and since the asker never defined socialism it is possible that the poll taker simply enjoys socialism to an extent but also enjoys capitalism.

Side: false outrage
0 points

What you fail to mention is that in the statistic you are using for the Tea Party Movement a majority of the people don't have an opinion on it because they don't care or don't know about it.

Out of the people that do have an opinion there are more people who approve rather than hate the movement.

Also, according to another poll their approval rating is 41%

Side: Not quite
Hadrian(483) Disputed
1 point

The poll showing a 41% approval rating for the Tea Party is from

December 16, 2009. As of February 5, 2010, that number has dropped to 33%.

You can't dispute the fact that at this time, only 33% of people like the Tea Party, and more like socialism. The fact that more people like the Tea Party than dislike it doesn't change the fact that more people like socialism!

You can't claim someone has no opinion about something when they have no knowledge to have an opinion about! 24% have never heard of the Tea Party. For all you know, when they do, they will hate it. As we have seen, the approval rate has fallen drastically in just 2 months. Perhaps that is because more people have now know about the Tea Party and like it less.

Side: Not quite
Coldknock(4) Disputed
1 point

You do understand that the Tea Party movement is just that, a group of people making a fuss about taxes, and it is not a political party, don't you?

Side: Not quite